56. Memories

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It was past midnight.

The sound the wind and rain water hitting the window was heard dully in the dim lighted room.

No matter how much he tried, Taehyung was still wide awake. The man couldn't fall asleep, his heart feeling uneasy.

He stared at his phone, an adorable picture of his omega whose rosy lips were pulled into a cute pout stared back at him. The alpha's lips visibly tugged into a smile.

It was raining heavily with thunder and lightning clashing every minute, and he was tempted to call the omega just to make sure the younger was doing fine but he didn't want to wake up him if he was sleeping.

Baby, are you okay?

So, he just resolved to texting. The omega would reply if he was awake.

The omega always gets scared whenever there was thunder and lightning. Taehyung hoped mom or dad is with him. The younger was never left alone during those times.

Taehyung stared at his phone with a sigh. He don't know why but there is a restless feeling in his chest. Like something is wrong. He just needed to hear his bun's sweet voice once, make sure he was fine.

Taehyung decide to disturb Jackson at this unholy hour.

"Hello? Taehyung?" Jackson looked at the time with an incredulous look. It was almost 2 in the morning. Jackson smacked his face back on the pillow with a groan. He kinda guessed why the alpha called.

"What do you want at this hour?!" Jackson asked sleepily at his phone, it was not the first time the younger alpha had done something like this. Hobi steered beside him with a whine and the alpha held his breath. He certainly didn't want to wake him up. A grumpy omega was not something he can deal with, when all he wanted to do was sleep like the dead.

"Is Jungkook alright? Is he having trouble falling asleep? He is not scared, right?" Taehyung fired questions after questions with a worried voice. Jackson took a double look at the phone screen with a blank face.

The older Alpha took a deep breath to calm himself. Calm down Jackson, he is just worried. His conscious told himself patiently.

"Taehyung, I really want to kill you for disturbing my precious sleep but since I know you are worried about koo, I will forgive you! Also, koo was fine when it started raining and he refused when we went to sleep in his room. He said he will sleep alone." Jackson said the last part almost emotionally. Jackson was reluctant to leave the omega alone but his wife convinced him, telling it was good for jungkook to get used to sleeping alone during rainy nights without getting scared. Jackson has checked on the younger twice and he was sleeping peacefully, so he went to sleep without any worries. But he forgot about Taehyung who was even more of a worrywart than him when it comes to jungkook.

"Oh, then good night dad." Taehyung said, cutting the call right after.

Jackson stared at his black screen with parted mouth. That little shit!


Taehyung glared at the windows like it was reason for everything. Fucking rain. Taehyung muttered under his breath. Does it have to rain this heavily tonight? When he wasn't with his baby?

Taehyung's attention was snatched by the sound of his phone ringing. He almost jumped at the device like a dog after a bone when he saw it was his bun calling.

"Baby?" Taehyung whispered softly.

"Alpha..." The omega called.

His voice sounded raspy. A pleased growl threatened to leave the alpha's mouth. It was certainly not him. His wolf was pacing inside his mind restlessly . The omega haven't called him 'alpha' before. His voice sounded like he was crying.

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