05. Not good for my heart!

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Was Taehyung panicking?

Pftt, of course, no?

Then, why was his hands shaking?

The pretty omega gave him a heart attack when he just fainted on him. How could he do that to him?!

What shocked Taehyung more was that he had touched the omega without any problem. He surely was surprised. Was he cured by any chance? No, that can't be... Last time he almost harmed an omega for trying to touch him.

Only his family was able to touch him or be near him. Others avoid him like a plague. Well, he can't blame them, they are scared of him. A 6 ft 3 dominant alpha who is ridiculously handsome with a sturdy and muscular physique. Anyone with brain will stay away. The scary expression on his face was a plus which keeps people away.

And his pheromones, it works like a defence mechanism for him. If someone tries to touch him, he releases his pheromones unconsciously and his pheromones can be dangerous sometimes, especially when he is mad.

His family, he remembers their scents and touch, that's why his body doesn't react to them negatively. But his body reacts to strangers. Then why didn't it reacting to the bunny boy?

Was this bunny special? His pheromones were faint but Taehyung's keen nose could pick them. So that can't be the reason. The boy's scent did smell familiar, his body must have recognised it. That was only explanation for him being not bothered by the omega.

Plus, the omega fainted. Taehyung was sure that he didn't release his pheromones or did he release his pheromones without knowing? But he is sure that he didn't.

His body should have released it like usual, but it didn't, which is weird. Then, what caused the bunny to faint?

Have, he met this pretty bunny before? He kinda looks familiar but he don't remember meeting him. And this pretty face is not something that a person would forget if they have seen it before.

The bunny was to pretty to be real and if he had seen it he would never forget it.

And his scent. It's so intoxicating. The omega smells so sweet.Taehyung never smelt anything like this before, but he sure likes it.

And he remembers this scent but from where?

Hm, Jungkook?- wait where have he heard that name?

Jungkook. Wang Jungkook. Taehyung eyes widened in realisation.

Is this the same adorable baby bunny who stole his first kiss and asked him to marry him?

Taehyung couldn't hold the laugh that bubbled in his chest. He looked at the omega sleeping on his bed. He could have put the younger on the bed in the guest room but his feet automatically took him to his room when he took the omega in his arms. And he totally didn't mind the bunny in his bed.

Don't judge him, he is not a pervert.

Taehyung looked at the bunny adoringly, which he was not aware of, yet. The baby bunny had grown up into beautiful omega. The alpha who will be mated to him will be very lucky. A small frown made its way on taehyung's forehead unconsciously when he thought about the younger being mated to someone. An unpleasant feeling clawed at his heart.

Was he already marked?

Taehyung leaned down and sniffed the omega. He faintly smells of his brother and some other smells which was quite familiar. The younger's family. There no scent of unfamiliar alpha. He let out sigh of relief, unknowingly.

Taehyung stared at the boy's unmarked pale neck. An unmated young omega on his bed. Wow, would he have ever thought of that?

Taehyung watched as the omega curled into his comforter inhaling his scent and purring. The alpha felt his throat go dry at scene in front of him. The younger hugged his comforter and cuddled it comfortably.

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