34. Taehyung's stalker

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Jay glared the omega in front him. The said omega looked everywhere except the elder's eyes. Jay sighed for the nth time. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a frustrated groan. Niki had a pout on lips as he played with his fingers all while avoiding looking at the alpha who looked like he will snap at him any minute.

How can jay not get mad, when the omega didn't come home for a two days?

''I am asking for the last time niki, where were you?'' Jay asked in a stern voice. Niki flinched at the tone making jay feel a little bit guilty for scaring the younger but he have to be stern or niki will do this again. The alpha know where the younger went and it scared him to death when he got to know that niki was tailing after taehyung, without his knowledge.

Jay had made sure to keep niki off this matter but the omega somehow got involved. He had decided to stay low for a while, with taehyung having found out about someone following them. But now niki had to go after taehyung which jay is sure that the alpha know about but somehow didn't react.

He didn't know if he should be glad or scared. Just thinking about all that was going to come after them was giving jay a headache that he didn't need right now.

''I...I was at my friend's house?'' Niki said or more like questioned. Jay felt the nerves on his forehead pop. Not just the brat went after a kim and he is even lying to him!

''Niki...you don't have any friends.'' Jay said with a blank face. The omega gasped at him with an offended face.

''How can you say that?! I do have friends!'' Niki huffed at the alpha who raised a brow at him questioningly.

''Computers can't be termed as friends. I am talking about humans-'' Jay narrowed his eyes at niki who was going to say computers. ''-and don't even think about saying anything about your online buddies!'' Jay said when he saw the omega open his mouth again to say something. Niki pouted and closed his mouth sulkingly.

''Whatever... '' The omega muttered under his breath. He can't even argue because he was interested in technology more than humans. So he can't give a good retort to his brother.

''Do you want to tell me why you were stalking taehyung?'' Niki widened his eyes comically and stared at the older nervously.

''What? You didn't think about the fact that i could track you down?'' Jay got up from his chair and stood infront the glass table while leaning his back on it with his hands placed on them.

''How?'' Niki whispered to himself. He made sure that he won't be tracked. Jay crossed his arms against his chest and nonchalantly looked at the watch niki always wears. It was a gift from him.

Niki looked at his brother then at the watch. His eyes widened and he glared at the alpha.

''You put a tracker in it? I thought it was a gift!'' Niki yelled. Jay only glared in reply.

''It is. But i needed to keep an eye on you.'' Jay shrugged his shoulders.

Niki felt his eye tear up and he rubbed his eye frustratedly. He hated when the others treats him like a child. He just wants to help his brother. Jay's eyes softened seeing the omega close to crying. He moved close to him and patted his head only to get his hand smacked.

''I am burning all of your gifts!'' Niki sniffed and rubbed his nose with the sleeve of his jacket.

''Do that and i am taking your cards away.'' Jay smiled sweetly and niki stared at him with open mouth.

''Y-you can't!'' Niki puffed out his cheeks angrily. Jay pinched the omega's cheek.

''Oh, but i can- Ahh!'' Niki bit the alpha's hand in anger making the jay yell in pain.

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