45. You can't leave me again!

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Jungkook whined when he struggled to breath. He felt something heavy on his chest, very heavy. Jungkook snapped his eyes open to see someone on top of him.

Before he could panic and scream the scent that he yearned so much these past week hit him. Jungkook blinked his eyes and soon it turned teary when he realised that it was his alpha.

Taehyung stirred up when his ears picked up the omega's heart beats which was getting faster. He raised his face from the omega's soft chest to smile sleepily at him.

''Good morning, bun.'' Taehyung muttered in his deep sleepy voice which had the omega whimpering slightly. He dropped his head back on the soft chest and buried his face on the omega's chest which smelled so good.

''Hyungie...'' Jungkook whimpered, his tears pouring out. Taehyung's eyes snapped open and he looked up in panic when he heard the slight tremor in his voice. ''Baby w-MMmph-'' He couldn't make out his words when the omega hugged his head and pulled it, making it crash back on the omega's chest.

Jungkook whimpered slightly in pain at the contact of taehyung's head crashing on his chest but he didn't leave his grip on the older. Taehyung struggled to breath under the omega's strong grip.

'Baby...I can't breath!'' Taehyung said with struggle. Jungkook released the older reluctantly. But kept his arms wrapped loosely around his neck. He sniffed as his eyes met his hyungie's. His eyes teared up again.

Jungkook thought if he was dreaming, like he did every morning, he didn't want to wake and sleep a little longer. But when his hyungie touched his cheek, he know he was not dreaming. He burst out crying in happiness. ''I missed you so much hyungie!'' The omega wailed.

''I missed you too baby.'' Taehyung smiled.

Taehyung hovered over the younger with his one hand supporting his body while the other caressed the omega's cheek wiping the tears that escaped his eyes and rolled down to the sides of his face. They stared at each others for a minute silently, except for the omega's small whimpers.

''Hey...'' Taehyung whispered with a smile, wiping away the tears off his face. He let the omega cry as much as he wants. As long as it wasn't sad tears. The omega leaned into the touch closing his eyes.

''Hyungie... Welcome back home.'' Jungkook smiled showing his bunny smile.

''And I am glad to be back.''

'You guys are being a little bit dramatic here, don't you think? Its only been a week-'' V rolled his eyes at them while he layed on his back with done expression on his face.

Thats rich coming from someone who were whining about how he can't wait to see our omega. Taehyung said with a scoff which had the wolf pretend like he couldn't hear him. Taehyung focused on his omega ignoring the wolf.

He switched their position pulling the omega on his chest, and hugging him tightly. Kissing his messy bed head few times he waited till the omega stopped crying.

''When did you come back?'' Jungkook asked as he snuggled closer to the alpha who was rubbing his cheek on jungkook's head. ''At night.'' Taehyung said simply.

''Hyungie didn't wake me up.'' Jungkook pouted. Resting his chin on the alpha's chest as he looked at him. ''You were sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want to distrub you, love.''

''And you knew I came even if you were sleeping. You were talking in your sleep. Calling my name.'' Taehyung said with a chuckle. Jungkook gasped at the alpha.

''I don't talk in my sleep!'' He huffed at the alpha. No longer crying which made taehyung smile secretly.

''But you did.'' Taehyung said calmly with a teasing smile wanting to bully his love a little. Jungkook's pout seemed to widen more and taehyung was tempted to claim them. Control.

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