35. Bunny Chasing

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Jungkook sniffed.

There was no more scent of his hyungie. He had created a nest with the clothes he found in taehyung's closet. They smelled like taehyung's cologne, sandwood, but it was not enough. Jungkook had even searched for taehyung's dirty clothes but he found none. He huffed and stomped his feet on the floor in anger.

Why can't he not find even a single dirty cloth?! He even looked in the hamper. Hyungie used to throw his clothes all over the house when he and jungkook were at the penthouse so it was surprise to see Taehyung's room neat and tidy (Reason; Taehyung didn't want to piss off his eomma so he always keeps his room clean unlike his penthouse which he doesn't clean at all) Jungkook couldn't help but pout.

These two days were pure torture for him. He had a hard time sleeping alone so he had dragged hobi and jin to sleep with him against the silent protest of their alphas who could only sulk. Jackson was constantly waiting at the door of taehyung's room to see if his baby needed anything but was always dragged from there by namjoon.

Luckily, Jungkook allowed them inside the room. So jackson could see his son whenever he wanted. Jungkook didn't step out the room much, the only time he got out of there was when he went to the garden. The only place he spent his time without crying --he didn't want to make the flowers feel sad with his crying.

Jungkook had tried to call the alpha countless time but then the older never once took his calls. Jungkook was very worried for his hyungie. He didn't know if his hyungie was in pain or not. Was rut same as heat? Then his hyungie must be in so much pain. Jungkook truly disliked his heats. There were times when he had to spend his heat without suppressants because it was not healthy for his body to always take suppressant. The heats were painful for Jungkook. Jungkook didn't want his hyungie to go through that pain, he could help him like his hyungie did when Jungkook was in heat.

Jungkook now had a lot of knowledge about rut and heats, thanks to google. Jungkook had even searched for videos of mating --some videos which made the omega's bambi eyes almost bulge out of its socket. He had blushed and covered his face with hands --only to watch through his fingers. Jungkook had no idea that mating was done like this! It was nothing like how he thought it would be like.

His hyungie didn't do anything like this during his heat. If he spend the rut with his hyungie, will they do it too? Jungkook had to shook the not-so-innocent thoughts away. The visual image of that had the omega rolling and thrashing on the bed while squealing and blushing --which seriously concerned yoongi who unfortunately choose that moment to check on the younger instead of his dad and silently left from their without alerting the omega.

Yoongi thought that his baby brother had gone crazy from missing Taehyung too much. Yoongi could only shake his head feeling pity for his baby bro. Yoongi had a thought, if he will also go crazy if he missed his mochi too much, he mentally shuddered at the thought of him behaving like that --no thanks, he have a cool image to keep. No way Yoongi will behave like a sappy lover, right?

On the second day of being away from his hyungie Jungkook felt a slight pain in his chest. He didn't tell anyone as he didn't want to worry them, especially his dada who was a worrywart. But the pain was only there for a while then was gone after. But there was still this feeling, like there was something...tightening around his chest, an uneasy feeling which refused to leave his heart. The need to see his hyungie only increased.

Jungkook whimpered and slowly poked his head out of the pile of clothes in which he had buried himself. His neck was burning for a while. Jungkook slipped out his nest, tripping twice and falling face first on floor once, his bambi eyes quickly watered. If his hyungie was here he would have caught him in his arms, his lower lip wobbled but he refused to let the tears that filled his eyes fall and entered the bathroom to inspect his neck. His neck was red --probably from the constant scratching jungkook did-- and their was a mark in light gray shade. A crescent moon shaped mark, faded, but still there. Jungkook scanned the mark with a confused face. Was this mark always there? He hadn't seen it before. He touched the mark, tracing its faded outline with his fingers unconsciously.

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