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"Alright campers, let the game of capture the flag begin." And with that we bolted into the woods. While we ran, A kid pulled me aside, they briefed me on what the teams were and that I was supposed to be with them. Blue team, which was us, consisted of Demeter, Hacate, Iris, Dionysius, Nemesis, Nike, Hypnos, Hebe, Tyche, Eros, Hestia, Thanatos, and Asclepius. Turns out the Hermes cabin didn't team up with Demeter's and the Hecate kids made it seem that the Hermes cabin was on our side cause they had to return a favor.

"They call you the newbies." One of the Eros kids said to me.


"After the Second Titan War, one of the seven, Jason Grace, made sure that all gods had a cabin here. And your team is all of the newly added ones, except for Demeter."

I stared at him for a second,

"I don't know what half of what you said means."

"Oh right, you just got here. I'll help you with all of your history tomorrow."

Once again I had to keep myself from blushing.


We headed deeper into the forest and hid our flag. Some of the Hecate kids put a veil over it and made it look like a vine hanging from the tree we put it in, but if you looked hard enough you could see it shift to a bluish color. We got into a large circle and a girl, who just so happened to be Demeter head counselor, gave everyone positions. A group to protect the river, one to scout for the other team's flag, one to distract the other team, all until it came down to me and this other girl.

"So," she said "you just got claimed right?"


"I'm Catherine, call me Cat. I saw the flower crown act, are you sure you don't have any previous training?"

"I'm sure."

"Wow, it's just that few to no kids of Demeter can just will something into existence like that. The rest of us need a seed, or just the ground, you are a very powerful demigod."

"Thank you, I've never been anything but the freak that makes grass grow taller."

"So you do have additional training?"

"No, it's just that in elementary school during recess, I liked to take off my shoes and every where I stepped that grass would be longer. You could see my footprints."

"Elementary school is pretty early for your powers to kick in. Anyways I want you here, guarding the flag with me."

Just then there was rustling in the bushes and three kids, including Evelyn, jumped out.

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