She knows, she knows, and I know she knows

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"Alright campers, let the game of capture the flag begin." With that we ran into the woods. From the corner of my eye I saw that Willow started veering off with the other team. I was about to yell at her but Jasper stopped me.

"She is not in the same team as us" he talked to me as we ran.

"But? I thought-"Jasper stop me mid-sentence.

"The Hecate cabin had to return a favor," he explained.

"Oh," I was disappointed.

"Don't worry," he reassured, "It's just for this game" after that he briefed me on the teams. Our team, team red, has Posiedon, Hades, Zeus, Apollo, Artemis, Persephone, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hephaestus, Ares, Nemesis, Dike, Hera, Bendis, the Muses, and Heracles. Posiedon, Hades, Zeus, Persephone, Hera, and Artemis did not have children, so our team was much smaller than the blue team. We stopped a little bit after we ran to hide the flag.

"Okay, since I'm the team leader, '' Jasper announced, " um, Mason and some Ares kids, go guard the flag. Oh and some Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes kids go work together to make traps or whatever..." They nodded their heads and started working. Except Mason, he looked like he wanted to protest but decided to go with it, "Dike kids, just judge or again whatever. Evelyn and you...Bendis's kid" He started pointing at this hunter looking kid.

"I have a name you know" he protested, "it's Evan"

"Well okay Evan" Jasper didn't seem to care, " maybe a Dike kid? Um Alethea."

"Yes?"She responded.

"Go with them to scout," Jasper ordered.

"Yeah. Whatever" Alethea rolled her eyes as she said that. Me and Evan stared at her for a while, "Well you heard him. Let's go" With that she started to run to the otherside. Both Evan and I looked at each other, shrugged and went after her.


As we ran I thought I could hear Angie calling me, but I shook it off. We were checking underneath rocks and trucks. And snuck past the people who were guarding the river. Which wasn't that hard. But we couldn't see where their flag was. Which made me suspicious of their team. I also didn't know where I was. It was just a forest.

"Hey guys, come over here. I think I see something," Evan said.

Alethea sighed, "Don't get so excited,"

I started to walk over to where Evan was, but suddenly I hear laughter. Alethea and Evan don't seem to hear it.

"It's just animal fur!!" Alethea screams.

"It.. it was red!" Evan kinda shouted back.

"Ughhhh," Alethea said as she hit her head back and forth to a tree.

I heard laughter again. I can't help but to think it was Angie. Ever since I can remember Angie has always been with me. But other people can't see her.

"Willow is just Northwest of you" Now that was Angie's voice.

"Hey, guys?"I started to talk.

"What?"They both said sarcastically.

"I think I hear someone talking just Northwest of us."

"Really?" Evan asked.

"Well," Alethea said, "I can tell she's not lying. She has good character."

"Um, thank you," I mumble. We turned around and started running Northwest. And sure enough we heard voices.

"No, it's just that in elementary school during recess, I liked to take off my shoes and every where I stepped that grass would be longer. You could see my footprints." I can hear Willow saying.

"Elementary school is pretty early for your powers to kick in. Anyways I want you here, guarding the flag with me." someone else was talking to her.

"Oh let's ambush them. Okay?" Evan whispers. We nodded at him and jumped out.

"Woah, way to barge in on an important conversation."

"Evelyn, don't just stand there attack!" Alethea yelled at me. The other girl who was talking to Willow threw seeds at me. I dodged them. They had to be for something bad. Which of course right in front of my eyes grew into thorny rose bushes. Then it hit me. I have no weapon.

"Behind you" Angie whispers. The girl from before had a knife in her hands. She threw herself at me. I dodged again. I still have no weapon, so I have to trick her somehow. I think Willow, Evan, and Alethea are fighting right now. I can't let them down. For right now everyone on the Blue team is my enemy. The girl decides to take one more hit on me. She had her back against their flag.

"Way to go!!!" I yell as loud as I can, "YOU GOT THEIR FLAG!!!" I yell, attempting to trick her. The girl suddenly stopped and turned around, having her back against me. Big mistake. With that I kicked her on the head. Which was apparently hard enough to knock her out. I smile to myself. That was easy. I looked over to Alethea and Evan. They have also knocked Willow out, but what was strange was the overgrown vines and trees that surrounded them. Weird, that wasn't there before.

I see Evan laughing.

"That..." Alethea pauses, " That was amazing. I have never seen a first year do that"

I smile, "Thanks"

"You're smart" Evan compliments me, still kinda laughing.

"Well, you two stop gawking" Alethea scolds us,"Let's take their flag back to our side of the playing field,"

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