I love you so

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Ugh. Why do I have to keep waking up like this? Evelyn jumped out of the bush with two other kids. Evelyn went for Cat while the others came at me. I was so over everything that day that it didn’t take much to make me mad. I got punched in the face by the girl and got a nasty gash in the arm from the boy’s sword. The girl started to take a step towards me, but I put my hand on the nearest tree and concentrated on the vines. I willed them to grow, and soon enough both of my attackers were in a tangled mess of green rope. But my triumph was short and sweet, they were back on their feet in a few seconds. I moved towards the girl in an attempt to raise the roots in the ground, but in one quick move the boy hit me with the butt of his sword and I blacked out. When I woke up I could barely open my eyes, but I could see that I was still in the clearing where we hid the flag, and I was surrounded by red roses. I heard loud cheering, and was picked up and carried out of the forest. I was still kind of unsure of what happened. Who won? Was Cat okay? What happened to Evelyn? When I was put down my eyes fluttered open. I was in the infirmary again. I sat up and immediately regretted it, my head spun and black spots danced in my eyes. At one point Jasper walked in and gave me a drink that somehow tasted like all of my favorite foods combined. 

“What is this? It’s amazing.” I asked

“It’s called nectar, the drink of the gods, because we are demigods we can stand a little bit, but it would turn any mortal to ash.”

I carefully put the drink down. 

“How long do you think I’ll be in here?” I said miserably.

“No idea,” he said, shrugging his shoulders, “I don’t think you have a concussion, but the Apollo kids are our best healers.”

I nodded my head and sat crisscross.

“Could you stay for a bit? I need someone to make conversation with.”

“Oh I see,” he said in a fake offended voice, “that’s all I am? A pretty face to talk to?”

“Pretty much.” We both laughed. He told me about his life before Camp Half-Blood. His mom was a pilot, so he tended to move around a lot. He came to camp when a cyclops attacked him and his mom when he was ten. One of the satyrs got to him just before it could take him, but his mom had died protecting him. After that he had lost at least four siblings to the mythological world. 

“I’m so sorry Jasper, I had no idea.”

“I don’t need sympathy,” he said, “I’m at a great camp with great friends and family. I’ll be fine, as for you, rest.”

“Fine.” I said as I layed down on the cot. It didn’t take much for me to fall asleep, but I would still wake up every now and then to talk to a friend. Cat came and assured me that she was ok.

“Really I’m fine.” She said,

“Are you sure?” I asked, “you got knocked out before I did.”

“I got kicked in the back of the head, you got slammed with the butt of a sword on your temple.” I shrugged my shoulders and she laughed a bit. Then Adam he's one of the Apollo kids that had been tending to me walked in.

“Hey Adam.” I said.

“Hey, how do you feel?”

“Perfectly fine.”

“Then off you go.”



“Cool, see you later Cat.” I said as I walked out the door. I took a deep breath and walked to the dining hall. At each of the tables there was a schedule for every camper, I grabbed mine and headed out.

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