Friends don't Keep Secrets

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We sat around a ping pong table and snacked on Cheeto Puffs while Chiron talked. 

“We need to discuss the upcoming quest since we haven’t much time before you leave.” He said to Evelyn and I

“Oh yeah,” said the Hephaestus kid, Ethan I think, “we’re almost done with your farewell gifts.”

“Farewell gifts?” I questioned 

“It's a camp tradition. We want you to have something from us while you’re on your quest.” 

The Apollo girl started tearing up and Ethan put a hand on her shoulder. Clearly it meant more than what he was letting on.

 Nico rushed out from the shadows with a large bruise in his collarbone. 

“We need to talk about the missing kids.” The room fell silent for a minute before Nico spoke up again. “I’m sure that most of you have heard of Cathrine’s disappearance, but there have been others. Jackson Well from Apollo, Emma Green from Aphrodite, Sage Barlow from Athena, Jack Harris from Hephaestus, Oliver Woodson from Hermes, and…” he trailed off and took a deep breath, “and Bianca Di Angelo-Solace from Hades.” You could see the tears in his eyes as he said the last name. 

“Willow and Evelyn,” Chiron said in our direction, “with the sudden spike in missing campers, we have decided to send you off on your quest sooner. You will be leaving tomorrow morning.” Evelyn and I gave each other a startled look. 

“I know it seems daunting but Mason will be accompanying you on your journey. I suggest that you start packing when you get back to your cabins. Meeting dismissed.” We all rushed out the door in a hurry to leave the solemn mood behind. I didn’t want to be there any longer, but I had thought that Chiron would have given me more information about the quest. Whatever. I walked back to my cabin and saw that my trunk was still open. I looked in and saw that my name had been engraved on the front and it was filled with everything I would need. There were about five Camp half-blood shirts and a couple pairs of jeans. There were also some regular clothes including leggings, a parka, a hijab, and a few pairs of shorts and shirts. I saw a backpack resting on the side of the trunk and stuffed all of my clothes into it. I walked to the camp store to look for things like a toothbrush and such. When I got there I saw Henry behind the counter. 

“Do you just work everywhere?” I asked jokingly

“Well,” he said, “not everywhere.” 

We smiled at each other. He showed me to the toiletries and I grabbed everything I needed. 

“Shoot,” I said, “I don’t have anything to pay with.”

“Are you sure?” He asked. I checked my pockets to see if I had any left over lunch money and found quarter sized, gold coins.

“Drachma!” Henry exclaimed

“Dra… I’m not even going to try to pronounce that.” 

He laughed and took the coins out of my hand. 

“Here's your change back.” He said handing me the drachma

“Thanks, I’ll see you later?”

He nodded his head and I started back to my cabin. I didn’t really know what to do with the rest of the day so I just layed down on my bed and took a nap.

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