When the Sun Loves the Moon

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My schedule was laid out with all of my activities in order. It looked like this,

8:00 Breakfast (Dining pavilion)
Reminder: before any activities, pick weapon from storage shed
9:00-10:00 Plant control (strawberry fields)
10:00-11:00 Weapon training (sword arena)
11:00-12:00 Winged horseback riding (pegasus stables)
12:00-1:00 Lunch (dining pavilion)
1:00-2:00 Swim time: whole camp (lake)
2:00-3:00 Monster assault techniques
3:00-5:00 History & Ancient Greek
5:00-6:00 Free time, Volleyball, cabin cleanup
6:00-8:00 Dinner (dining pavilion)
8:00-10:00 Campfire and sing along (amphitheater)
10:00 Prepare for bed- lights out by 11:00

I walked to the storage shed and found the Eros kid that briefed me on the capture of the flag teams.

"Hey," he said, "I was told that you'd be coming. What's your name again?"

"Willow, you?"

"Henry. Now, what are you thinking?"

I shrugged my shoulders "Man I don't know, I got here yesterday."

He chuckled, "Alright then, let's try something out." He walked over to one of the tables in the small room, and picked up a javelin. He tossed it to me and I almost caught it. Almost. I fumbled to keep it from knocking something over. It bumped into a wooden board and a few swords fell over, revealing two daggers, one with glowing purple accents, one with yellow. Even though the handles looked like short, twisted, tree branches, they fit perfectly in my hands. They also both had little flowers, the same color of the accents, growing at the base of the blade.

Henry looked wildly confused

"Those were not there five minutes ago, when I did inventory." I flipped one in the air and caught it perfectly. He looked at me and his confused look faded. (They look like the pic showed above)

"You know what," he said, "it's fine, they look like they were meant for you." He handed me a belt looking thing for me to sheath the daggers in.

"Thanks!" I said as I took the belt and walked out. I was still putting it on when a Hacate kid saw me, gasped, and ran away. I thought nothing of it until she came back with one of my sisters. This continued until all of Demeter cabin and a few others were surrounding me.

"Where did you get those?" A kid asked me.

"They just kind of appeared in the shed," I said "pretty cool right?"

There were lots of whispers and weird looks going around the group.

The Hecate girl that saw me first walked closer. "Those are the daggers of Demeter." She looked like she was listening for something, "they appear to one of her daughters every five hundred years, and every one of the daughters that hold them are born with the ability to manifest plant life." I was speechless. I looked at the weapons and then at my hands. I saw Cat in the back of the group, arms crossed, a proud smile on her face. I've only known her for like, a day and a half, but she's the best sister I could ask for. We started our walk to the strawberry fields but we're interrupted by Evelyn.

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