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"Oh sh*t" Evan cussed under his breath. We have made it to the edge of the border. The only problem was the blue team's group at the river had moved up close to where we fought Willow and of course Meg was one of them. 

"I forgot about them," Alethea sighs. They had their backs to us. 

"We could ambush them but there's at least five of them and three of us," I explained.

"True, we'll have to think of something," Alethea replied.

"Or " I started to say, " We could have a distraction. Like throw some rocks away from us so they'll go after the noise and we could pass through. If you guys want to do that ?" We have to be smart about this. Alethea has the flag. Which is good cause she's been here longer than us.

Alethea pauses to think.

"You know," Evan brings up, "I would be very surprised if you weren't a daughter of Athena"

"Eh, she's not" Alethea says, "You're idea, Evelyn, it could work" 

"I'm going to use my arrows instead of rocks. Okay?" Evan whispers.

"Yeah, okay that works too,"I say. Evan ready his bow. He looks back at us just in case we change our minds. I nod, with that he lets go of the arrow. The arrow hits a far enough tree with a thwack. 

"Duck" Alethea whispers. Immediately, the red team turns their heads around to look at what made that sound. We crouched down hoping that they didn't see us. I could barely hear the other team talking. Evan peaks his head up.

"What do you see?" I asked. 

He chuckle a bit, "Well two of them are checking out the arrow"

"Which leaves three for the three of us" Alethea says in victory. We jumped out one by one running to the river. Alethea and Evan take out their swords. Slashing at the other team; taking advantage at their surprise. They fell down bleeding, apparently they weren't very strong demigods. I take that back cause one of them put holes in Evan.

"Are you okay?"I asked.

"Yeah, of course. I'm a demigod" Evan smirked. I smiled.

" Hey!!!" We heard a shout. It must be the other team, "What do you think you're doing?!?!" 

"We got to go," Alethea says anxiously. Evan takes out his bow real quick and shoots each of them right in the chest. I stand there gawking at him. Like, bruh, you could have killed them. 

Alethea takes note of this, "They're fine" she says, "Now let's get a move on" Right when she says that Evan collapses onto the ground apparently those holes did some damage to him. He was bleeding now.

"Alethea. What do we do?" I say, I'm starting to panic.

"I…"She says, " The Apollo kids" 

"Aren't they on the other side of the playing field?"


"HEY!!!" We both turned our heads, "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!" Of course it's Meg.

"Alethea, you should go," I say to her, "You have the flag. Go win the game" Alethea nods her head and takes off running. I sigh, what am I going to do? Meg charges at me with this Demon looking fruit thing that was shouting peaches. Okay…. 

This Demon thing came at me and slashed me. I didn't even have time to dodge. Honestly I was really surprised at this. The cut all over my body was bleeding very badly. 

"Hmp, you're not that tough after all" Meg says, smirking in victory. I've been told this all my life. So this…this angers me. But I can't do anything about it, I can feel myself going unconscious. No, I want to win this. I need to win this. I want to be respected and to do that I need to win. Oh she is going to pay for all of this. The ground starts to crack. This makes Meg and her Demon stop dead in their tracks. Their reactions make me feel powerful. 

I smirked, "Look who's tough now" 

The ground cracked even more and suddenly Angie popped out of it. Her whole style was based on the 2010s. This somehow made Angie a whole lot terrifying. She immediately charged at Meg and her Demon pet who screamed, "um, Arrh, PEACHES!!!!" She jab Meg in the neck, then took her demon pet and swung it around a few times before smashing It into the ground. I couldn't help but to stare at Angie in awe. For years I thought Angie was an actual person who go anywhere anytime she wants. At least that what she told me.

"Well,"she says, "Call me when you need me" She said with a wink before disappearing into the ground. It took me a while to comprehend what just happened. I forgot we were play capture the flag. I looked around to see some campers and Chiron staring at me. They were light too. But it seems to come from me. I looked up to see an inverted torch crossed with a scythe above me. 

"All…" Chiron started to speak. He seem lost for words, "All hail Evelyn Chiva, first mortal daughter of Thanatos" 

Even the campers were still gawking. Then they fumbled around and bowed at me. Even I was lost for words. But this excitement did not last long. My head started to hurt and I had forgotten about my wounds. I touched where they were but they disappeared. I was so exhausted. I couldn't think any more. Then I felt my body hit the ground.


I groaned as I woke up. I looked around to see where I was. I was back in the infirmary…again. I see Willow right next to me and that other girl I kicked in the head asleep. I sigh.

"Good morning" I turn my head around to see an Apollo kid, "Good news, you Didn't sleep for three whole days this time,"

"Well, that's a surprise," I say, chuckling to myself.

"Well, um" he said, "You're good to go. Here's your schedule" He handed me a piece of paper, " Good luck"

"Thanks" I said with a smile. I got up from my bed and started heading out. Not knowing what I was supposed to do.

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