1,2, Where are you?

17 13 0

"So how was your first day at camp?" Kayla asked me.

"Um I ... .um" stutter.

Flashback from couple hours:


I sigh again as I watch Willow carry Mason. What a complete idiot. 

"Um so what if you told it's time to go" Karter says rubbing his eyes.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can stay if you want" He winked at me. Ugh, really he already has a daughter, but I keep my cool. I just smiled and nodded.

"No thank you" I say politely.


I walk up to the Hades cabin just to see a skinny pale man with a skull on his shirt.

He just walked around the porch staring at his phone.

"Um hey are you Nico?"I asked.

He immediately stopped to look up at me.

"Yes," He said weakly. Then he started to pace around again, "I think it will be better if you came some other time"He whispers. 

"Um okay" I said in response.


I decided to walk around the cabin hoping to cool myself down. Nothing exciting happened today so far. This is so boring I thought as I started to bag my head against a tree back and forth.


"Okay, the trick to riding a pegasus is to always remain calm" Our instructor told us.

We were out in the pegasus stables if you didn't guess it by now. I somewhat drowned out our instructor's voice. Cause who doesn't daydream at a very important lesson. Next thing I know is some kid tried to ride a pegasus about 60 feet in the air and apparently fell. When I was thinking about strawberries. (Don't ask why)

Present time 6:00:

"And the rest of the day has been going downhill from there" I continue.

"Huh" Kayla scoff, "Pretty boring first day if you ask me"

"Yeah no sh*t" I say as l look around the room for Willow, "We have assigned seats right?"

"Yeah" Kayla responded boredly:shifting her hips,"The Thanatos table over there" She pointed at a Table which had the number 29 printed on it. I also take note that almost all the tables have their cabin numbers on them. Kayla, without a word, turned around and started walking over to her table with the rest of her siblings. I also start making my way to my table. Of course there's no one else there.  

"Here's your dinner," One of the dryads hands me a bowl of chicken teriyaki and a cup of black sugar boba latte. I breathe in deeply. It reminded me of when I was little. Back when my mom was still sane. I smiled at the memory. Angie used to take me to restaurants when my mom was trying to pull herself together. I eat slowly to savor it. It's been what? It's been what? At least 8 years since I had chicken teriyaki and Boba. 

"PLEASE EVERYONE STOP!!!" I get startled at Chiron. Who yelled to get everyones' attention. All the chatter stop as they turn around to Chiron, "We'll have to cancel the games tonight" 

A big awww echo throughout the Pavilion.

"I know, I know" Chiron says, " We have a-

"Important announcement to make" A lady from afar spoke in his place. As she steps out of the shadows with a man with wings.

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