They Have Gods for Everyone

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"Why do the doors say 'WOOD," Mason laughed. He apparently couldn't hold himself together, "Like we know the door is made outta wood. Why do they have to spell it out,"

Mason continued bursting out laughing how it was stupid. Which, I had to agree, was, pretty stupid. Willow took a long hard stare at the door, probably wondering the same thing now that Mason pointed it out.

Sadie muttered something along the lines of 'every single time' before explaining further, "That's what the demigod organization is called. W.O.O.D. stands for World Organization Of Demigods,"

Mason made a big 'O' with his mouth and was still trying to resist laughing again. The guards looked at each other and nodded. There was utter silence when the doors of the organization pulled open to reveal a palace.

The minute I stand in there I knew everything was worth more than my house and anything I owned. Definitely more than Mom's drugs.  Willow and Mason were standing with awe too. Sadie, impressed with herself, smiled.

"Don't you think this is a bit much?" Mason asks.

"Nonsense," Sadie scoffs. Then came this dude with a My Chemical Romance T-Shirt with also a leather jacket.

"My name is An-Walt. Hey I thought we agreed I was going to be in control. You already chose the outfit!!!" He argue with himself in different voices.

"Does he have a split personality?" I asks.

"Ah, no," Sadie acted like it was normal, "That's just my boyfriends Walt and Anubis. Long story short. They have to share the same body,"

When Walt/Anubis found compromise together they spoke, "We're here to show you around!"

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