Duck Duck Goose

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I looked around to whatever seemed familiar. The covenant store had nothing in English, it was just some squiggly lines with some dots on top of them. Then I realized it was Arabic and I didn't understand sh*t. I looked around the store that had rows and rows of snacks and bread. It kinda looked like your average American gas store but with nothing in English.

"Need help?" I turned around to see a lady with blonde hair and red highlights with deep blue eyes that was teasing me. She had camo boots with a black tank top under a leather jacket.

I got flustered but agreed, "Yeah, I've never been to Cairo before,"
I scratched the back of my head.
She chuckled and said, "My name is Sadie Kane. I'm from America too,"

"Oh, I'm Evelyn Chiva. Nice to meet you," I explained quickly. Then I wanted to brush her off so I started grabbing random snacks that look somewhat familiar. I guess she knew I was getting nervous. I was never really good with people, especially with people like Mason who bullied me all the time. I never could tell if people were being genuine or looking for a reason to make fun of me. That's how bad my school was and that's excluding all the school fights and shootings.

"Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you," Sadie changed her expression, "Perhaps by any chance. Did a guy named Percy send you?"

"Um, what?" I titled my head towards her.

"My magic is never wrong," She squeezed her hands together, "Carter told me they're demigods in the area," She mumbled under her breath.

"Who's Carter?" I hoped it wasn't Karter with a K. That would be really awkward considering I saw him kill his daughter and the lady he used to try to replace Angie. Now that I think about it I haven't heard from her in a while. I'll make it up to her. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't save her. It felt like that was supposed to happen.

"Carter is my bro. My one and only bro," Sadie smiled to herself, "So you're a demigod right?"

At that moment I decided to trust her. I had nothing left to lose, "Yeah, I'm a demigod. I'm the daughter of Thanatos, God of Death,"

"Huh," Sadie picked at her fingernails to clean out any dirt that was in them.

"I'm sorry," She continued, "Let's go meet your friends," She signaled to go.

I reluctantly agreed and went out of the store with no snacks. I saw that Willow and Mason were talking together by the bridge over the water.. Huh, I thought, maybe Mason can get over me and go with Willow. I pondered even more, then what happens to Jasper? Eh, whatever, he's fine.

"Hey guys!" I called out. They whipped their heads to where the sound was coming from, in which case that was me, "Sorry there was nothing in English but this lady said she can help us. She knows we are demigods,"

I pointed back at Sadie who looked a bit mad that I called her "this lady" but she shrugged it off.

"So no snacks?" Mason whimpered, "it's a good thing you're a whole meal then," He said flirtatious. I just kinda stop mid-run and gave him if-you-ever-make-a-stunt-like-that-again-I-don't-give-a-F-on-what-Chiron-says-I-will-actually-kill-you look. Sadie chuckled and said something like 'oh. What it was like to be young'
However Willow looked a little, what is that? jealousy?

Sadie sighed, "Okay guys I'm going to kidnap you for a little bit,"

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