Golden Hour

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Evelyn walked off and Cat and I got to the strawberry fields. It felt amazing. The energy rushing through me was exhilarating, like the feeling of riding a rollercoaster. Cat looked at me with an amused look on her face,

“Feel good?” She asked.

“Heck yeah, this is the best I’ve felt my whole life.” She laughed and told me to sit down.

“Ok,” she said, “I’m going to show you what to do, and I want you to copy me.”


She placed her hand on the ground and closed her eyes.

“Ok Willow, I want you to think of your favorite memory. For me, this is the first time I came to camp.” She gently smiled and lifted her hand and a beautiful blue lily grew out of the ground.

“Wow!” I said, “That's amazing.”

She chuckled “Thanks, now what’s your best, happiest, most important memory?”

I had to think about that for a second. There weren’t necessarily a lot of happy moments in my life, but definitely a few. Hidden happiness in sad moments, like falling on the sidewalk, but watching a movie later. Or when I lost the basketball championship, but my dad made me a special trophy. I decided on the day I got strep throat. I think I was like thirteen, it was late at night, and my dad had run to a twenty four hour convenience store to grab my “prescription”, and came back with a gallon of chocolate chip ice cream. I did my best to focus on the memory, go back in time, and feel the love and happiness all over again. I felt a rush of excitement and joy.

“Willow,” Cat said, “you can look now.” 

I looked to the ground and saw a delicate white rose, slowly unfolding its petals. I gasped and cupped the bud in my hands.

“It’s beautiful.” I whispered, still in disbelief. For the rest of the time we talked about her life and really got to know about each other. Her dad was a botanist, and he lives in Arizona with her mortal little brother. She came to camp on her eighth birthday, and she had said that it was the most wonderful experience of her life. We talked for so long that we lost track of time.

“Gods of Olympus,” She said, “my big mouth. Let’s get you to the sword arena for training.

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