I Guess that was Goodbye

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That’s her. The woman that waved to me before school that day. She walked out of the shadows with a man that had black wings. The two of them stood in front of Chiron.

“Hello campers,” the woman said, “Some of you may know me, some may not. Thanatos and I have traveled down from Olympus to share with you,” she paused for a moment, “a new prophecy.” There was a collective gasp from around the pavilion as kids started whispering. I looked over to Evelyn and she looked like she had just seen a ghost. I realized that this was probably the first time she had ever seen her dad. Cathrine elbowed me in the arm.

“Willow!” She said “Do you know who that is?” I thought about it for a second, why she looked so familiar. 

“I feel like I know her,” I replied, “but I just can’t put my finger on it.”

She looked me dead in the eyes and said, “That’s Demeter. MOM.” Oh. OH. My mother was standing fifty feet from me and I didn’t even know it was her. The same mother that left my dad to raise me himself. The same mother that gave me these powers. The same mother that put me in this wonderful camp. Realization hit me like a train. It made my heart ache for something I know I could never have. Demeter raised her hand for silence and nodded at Thanatos. I have never heard someone speak like that. It made me calm but energetic, happy but angry. His voice was so rich and melodious it made me want to cry. 

 Roses and skulls

Wings of gold 

Shall travel to meet the gods of old

One will turn

One will die

One will stop to mourn and cry

The light will shine

The dark will align 

Pray to the gods to give you a sign

Everything and everyone went still. The first person to speak was Chiron.

“Now I understand that this is overwhelming,” he said, “but Demeter and Thanatos have answers to many of your questions.” That’s when people started yelling.

“Wings of gold!?”

“Who’s going to go!?”

“What does this mean for Olympus!?” 

The ground shook and Nico appeared in the middle of the room.

“Sorry,” he said, “I had to escape from Persephone. The spirits in the underworld are going mad, Chiron, unlike what I’ve ever seen before.”

Chiron looked startled and motioned for Nico to come to the side with him. The shouting continued through the crowd.

“Quiet down everyone,” Thanatos called, “as Chiron said, we have answers. I am more than happy to announce that my own daughter will be one of the three continuing in this quest.” I looked over to Evelyn once more, and she looked worse than ever. Her face slowly transitioned from pale white to bright pink as she processed what he had said. I wanted to walk over to her but Demeter addressed more pressing matters.

“The second demigod, accompanying Ms. Chiva will be my newly claimed daughter. Willow Rose.” As she said this Demeter was beaming with pride. Before I knew what was happening there was another flower crown resting on my head. I wanted to object. To tell her that I shouldn’t go, But before I could she had moved on. 

“Sadly we do not know who the third demigod is, but we are sure that they will appear in due time!” Questions continued but at a slower rate. Demeter and Thanatos reassured everyone that this didn’t mean much and that everything was going to be ok. Soon enough they had disappeared back into the shadows and Chiron quickly dismissed us. On our way back to the cabins I pulled Evelyn over to the side.

“Hey,” I said “so… that was a lot.”

“Yeah, tell me about it” She said sarcastically.

“I heard that we’re leaving in two days. Not a ton of time to prepare.”

“Seriously? I-”

“I know right! We just got here like five days ago!”

“So…um. I may have sneaked away while Demeter was talking cause I saw Chiron pull Nico aside. And well Nico said that this person named Rachel is missing and that the spirits of the underworld are going crazy.” She shrugged.

“Spirits… I wouldn’t know, that’s not really my kind of thing.”

“Yeah well it's apparently my type of thing and I don't even know about it.” she said, rolling her eyes, "Maybe we should go asleep. I need to process this"

“You're right, we should get to bed, big day of training tomorrow. Night.”


We went our separate ways and I walked into my cabin. The girls were getting ready for bed. I had just realized that there was a wooden chest at the foot of each bed, engraved with someone’s name. The chest next to my bed was open. I walked over to it and looked inside. There was an envelope sitting there with my name written in cursive. I picked up the letter and opened it. It read,

                Dear Willow, 

You’ve just been here for a few days and I can already tell what an amazing person you are going to be. I would like to give you something to remember me by.

Remember me?

I would like to give you my knowledge, so whenever you feel trapped you can find a way out.

I would like to give you my power, so that whenever you feel helpless I will be there to guide you.

And I would like to give you my Love, so if you ever feel heartbroken, my heart will be there for you to take.

Why was she saying this?

I might not make it out of this,


But I know that you have the power within you to save the others.


I know about the stucco accident 



I was breathing heavily. I dropped to my knees and Lily, one of my sisters, came to my side.

“Everything okay?” She asked.

I didn’t respond. I simply ran out of the cabin and sprinted to the big house.

I didn’t care how startled Chiron and Nico were when I flung the door open.

“What’s happened?” Chiron insisted

I was surprised that I didn’t burst into tears when I handed him the letter.

Once he was done reading he handed the letter to Nico. They gave each other a concerned look.

“Willow,” Nico said, “I want you to go back to your cabin. If anyone asked you why you left, tell them that you felt sick. Get some sleep. We will discuss this more tomorrow.” 

I nodded my head and walked back to my cabin. A few of the girls came up to me and I told them exactly what Nico told me to. I tossed and turned all night before I decided to climb up the large tree growing out of the middle of the room. It created a perfect place to look at the stars. While I traced the constellations I had memorized, I thought about Cat. Was she looking at the same sky? Was she even still alive?

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