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A/N Hey guys enjoy this Christmas special. We'll be publishing three chapters and an Announcement. Happy Christmas Eve;)

After I woke up from my nap I decided to go for a run around the camp. I put on a sports bra and some leggings and headed into the woods. The rough terrain was perfect for my style of running. I had to jump over the roots of trees and dodge bushes and shrubs. That was the best I felt my entire life. That is until I turned around. I started running back in the direction I came from and heard something in the bushes behind me. I figured it was just a rabbit or something until a large silhouette emerged from the brush and started moving in my direction. I ran and ran and it felt like an eternity before I even saw the edge of the camp. I burst out of the woods and got a good fifty feet away before I turned back. The silhouette was standing- no floating just behind the trees. This place can’t get any weirder I thought. I walked to the sword arena to see if anything interesting was happening and I saw Jasper fighting the head of Ares Cabin, Adam Sharp. Jasper was shirtless. Shirtless. Gods I felt so stupid. His face lit up when he saw me lingering at the edge of the arena.

“Willow!” He exclaimed, “Hey.”

“Hey,” I said as I walked over to him, “how’s it going?”

“It’s fine, how are you? You’re sweating like crazy. Just went on a run?” You could hear the slightest southern accent in his voice.

“Yeah, but I made the mistake of going into the woods.”

He shuttered “the woods have always creeped me out. How’s your Greek going?”

“Καλός? Right?” I asked 

“Yes!” He said excitedly, “You’re a really fast learner.” 

“Not really, my dad taught me Latin when I was a kid. I forgot most of it but turns out it really helps when you’re learning Greek.”

Just then, Ethan walked up.

“Hey Willow,” he said, “I have your farewell gift.”

He handed me a mental rectangle about the size of my hand. It had little designs of flowers on the edge and a sickle in the middle. 

Ethan could clearly see the confused look on my face and elaborated “It's a magic music player.” He confirmed, “you just think of whatever song you want to hear and it plays it.” He realized something and dug around in his pocket before pulling out two hearing aid looking things. 

“These are your headphones. Wireless.”

“Um,” I said “this is all so amazing and I can’t even begin to comprehend how it works, but I’m going to lose these the second I set them down.

“Aha, that’s the thing, they will always come back to your pocket.”

“Thanks Ethan, I don’t know how to pay you back.”

“Just go rescue my little brother.”

I nodded my head and Ethan walked away.

“I’ll leave you with your thoughts.” I turned to see Jasper walking back to his cabin. The last thing I wanted was more time with my thoughts. I had only been at camp for six days and I was going to leave the next day. I saw Evelyn walking up to the sword arena out of the corner of my eye. She looked skittish and kept looking behind her. Then she disappeared.

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