1. A Growing Crew

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    Waves crested over the sides of the ship, still hissing steam as cannonballs tore through them. Caspian clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on the wheel. Dark drenched hair lay plastered over his brows but he didn't bother to wipe it away.

    Caspian peered through the murky darkness, lanterns, cannon fire, and sparks of gunpowder the only lights he could make out, and scanned the crashing waves. "I don't see it," he shouted, smearing water from his eyes and flinging it off his fingers.

    The ship jolted, knocking Caspian against the wheel. Wood creaked underfoot and the scent of smoke curled through the air. He righted himself and peered up at the crow's nest, where the silhouette of a man still remained. "Jesp! Where is it?"

    "He can't hear you, Captain," another man answered, stumbling up the rain-slicked stairs.

    Westley was panting for breath and he clutched the stair railing while shudders wracked his limbs. His brown hair, usually tied back in a ponytail, hung in sodden locks around his shoulders. "We can't take much more of this. Blight isn't letting up and the beast has long since dived."

    "Are you sure?" Caspian eyed the seas once more, but nothing moved beneath the waves. His gaze shifted to the ship alongside theirs.

    Valor's Blight swarmed with activity as her crew loaded cannons and continued their attack. Her captain stood at the helm, staring right back at Caspian. The oversized plume in his hat drooped under the weight of the water coating it. Caspian looked back at his own men, tripping across the rocking deck in their efforts to return fire.

    His eyes landed on a familiar woman who was passing around horns of dry gunpowder. As if sensing his gaze, Prim glanced over her shoulder. "Captain!" Someone hollered.

    Caspian looked up just as a resounding crack split the air. Shards of wood splintered from the foremast and rained down upon the deck. Screams rose as some of the shards pierced flesh. "Take the wheel!" Caspian ordered. He didn't wait for Westley to join him.

    Caspian released the wheel and vaulted over the railing, landing on the main deck. The ship lurched, then steadied once more. The foremast was tilting backwards, buffeted by the wind. Jesp was already clambering out of the crow's nest.

    "He won't make it!" Prim gasped, running alongside Caspian.

    "Clear the bow!" Caspian yelled, ignoring his wife for the moment. He skidded to a halt beside the main mast. Jesp was moving down the shrouds, but far too slowly. He rounded on Prim. "That beam is coming down. If we're lucky, it won't bring down the main mast entirely."

    "Entirely?" She repeated, eyes widening.

    "Get the injured out of the way and below deck. Find Pops and tell him to help Westley at the wheel."

    "What are you going to do?" Prim demanded, catching him by the arm as he moved forward.

    Caspian flashed her a crooked grin. "I'm going to let Blight have our mast."

    Prim stared at him for one long moment, then turned on her heel and darted towards the nearest fallen man. Caspian pushed himself onto the side railing of the ship and gripped the shroud, being careful not to slide off the rail.

    "Captain?" Jesp called above him.

    "Get to the deck," Caspian ordered. Jesp gave a curt nod and continued down the rigging, while Caspian climbed up.

    They passed each other in the middle, but neither said a word. Boots thumped on the deck just as Caspian reached the crow's nest and pulled himself inside. The foremast creaked again, tilting closer to the main mast. Caspian grabbed a pile of rope off the floor and braced himself as the beam came down.

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