20. Into the Storm

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    Tension crackled across the ship like the static energy filling the air. A gentle rain had fallen during the night and all morning. The clouds broke only briefly around midday, just enough to let some heat shine down upon the sea. It was close to sunset now and the clouds had reformed even darker than before. Dull thunder rumbled every few minutes, though Jacob had yet to see any lightning.

    He was doing his best to relax but apprehension coiled in his gut and sent goosebumps prickling his skin. The Venatrix was steadily gaining on them, unimpeded by the rain that had already fallen. Caspian predicted she would be upon them within the hour. The crew was preparing for the coming attack even now. Jacob perked up as Pops mounted the stairs and joined him and Caspian at the helm.

    "Well Lads, I think we're as ready as we can be," Pops sighed, leaning back against the railing. His vibrant red hair had gone frizzy from the humidity. Even his beard looked fluffier than usual.

    "You're certain there's no way to avoid an attack?" Jacob asked once more.

    Caspian shook his head, jaw set and a dark look lingering in the depths of his eyes. "Mallory wouldn't back down from a fight on a normal day. She certainly won't leave off when we're chasing a reward for the same creature, and the Valencian Crown is paying her to bring back my head. I imagine she'll even claim a bonus reward if she kills me before Blight does."

    "How does it feel to be one of the most popular men in the world?" Jacob smacked his cousin's shoulder with a wry chuckle.

    Caspian flashed him a terse smile. "Not as great as one might imagine. It tends to make life difficult from time to time."

    "Aye, but at least you don't have to face those difficulties alone," Pops replied. "Not anymore." This time, Caspian's smile held true.

    "And you'll have a few surprises in store for Captain Archer," Jacob added. "Speaking of which, I'm going to make sure the men brought up our gunpowder shots, not the sparkpowder ones."

    Both Caspian and Pops grimaced at that. "Good idea, Lad," the latter called. "I think Timothy might've brought a crate up by accident."

    "Stars," Jacob grumbled. "Let's pray he hasn't loaded any of the swivel cannons with them yet. We need those shots for Ryujin." He hurried down the stairs and scanned the bustling deck for the shot crates.

    The first one he spotted was at Theodore's feet. The man stooped to grab a shot, but Jacob called out, halting him in his tracks. "Are those gunpowder or sparkpowder shots? Pops said he thought Timothy might've brought up a crate of sparkpowder ones."

    Theodore knit his brows and took a shot casing in hand. "Gunpowder, looks like."

    "Damn. Where are the other crates?"

    "Over there." Theodore pointed to the opposite side of the ship. Jacob sprinted away with a hasty mention of thanks.

    He skidded to a stop next to Coralyn and Prim. "Make sure those crates are gunpowder shots before you load the swivel cannons," Jacob ordered.

    He crouched to examine the labels. Instantly, his gaze landed on the one crate that bore a different marking. He gave a sharp jerk of his chin and the two women helped him lift crates out of the way. Jacob took the crate of sparkpowder shots as soon as it was free. Prim and Coralyn returned to their task while he took his crate below deck.

    The lower levels of the ship were just as busy as the upper as crewmen hurried to load cannons, take down hammocks, and secure any loose barrels. Jacob spied Viviane accompanying Emilia in the healer's quarters, but didn't stop to talk to them. Viviane didn't miss his passing however and her footsteps soon followed him to the munitions room. Jacob set his crate down with the others and turned to face her.

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