34. Upon the Waves

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Every inch of Viviane's body screamed with protest as she flung her remaining strength into her magic. Her hand shot forward and a wall of water followed the movement, gliding over the whale's back in time to soften Jacob's landing. He plunged through the water and collided with the whale before rolling beneath the waves.

Her breath caught as the whale's massive fins cut through the waves. If the pod didn't move, Jacob might be killed by their movements alone. Viviane's magic stretched between the whales, reconnecting with their minds instantly.

Drive that ship away and keep the beast from following it, she ordered, praying they'd heed her without harming Jacob.

The lapis whales broke from their formation immediately and swarmed the Leviathan. Viviane spared only a moment seeking out Ryujin. The sea monster roared with fury as it watched the whales move to defend the ship.

Its massive horned head swiveled and golden eyes swept over the water. It was searching for someone, and she thought she knew who. The pounding in her head didn't ease even when she withdrew her touch from the whales. Viviane reigned her magic from the waters she had manipulated and let her senses expand in its place.

Thunder clapped as she dove beneath the surface. Sounds muffled in her pointed ears and her gills parted as she drew a deep breath. Viviane's eyes strained against the darkness, but there was no sign of Jacob. She swam deeper, moving as quickly as she could.

Viviane twisted around a large chunk of debris and flipped over another, then stiffened with dread. Suppose Jacob had been trapped beneath some debris and pushed to the seabed? His Human body couldn't withstand the pressure down there. Even she could only bear it for a limited amount of time.

Viviane gathered her magic and put on another burst of speed, using the water to propel herself faster. Her gaze darted back and forth but there was still no sign of Jacob. With each bit of debris she dodged, her fear of being correct grew. Something splashed down in front of her and Viviane halted.

She scarcely dared to breathe as she stared at Ryujin's scales. The creature slithered around the debris, its growls rumbling through the water. Viviane swam forward cautiously. She used the debris to hide herself from view while continuing her search for Jacob.

Something pricked at her gut a heartbeat before the sea spoke to her. Viviane recognized the guiding touch and followed it into the murky depths. Gradually, a dim light emerged, outlining the silhouette of a body. Viviane grabbed Jacob's glowing sword just before she reached him. His eyes were closed and his skin held an unusually gray pallor.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed two fingers against his neck. His heartbeat was barely detectable. Viviane's head jerked up as a shadow blocked out the remaining light from above. Ryujin circled overhead, but didn't appear to have spotted them.

Viviane shoved Jacob's sword into its sheath and reached for her magic once more. Her head spun and black spots tinged her vision. She blinked them away rapidly. Like with Kitty, Viviane covered Jacob's nose and mouth with her palm and connected with the water that had gathered in his lungs.

With one sharp jerk, she ripped the water from his body. He convulsed, lips parting as his body instinctively tried to draw breath. Viviane pressed her lips to his and breathed into him. When she drew back, she pinched his nostrils shut and hauled him towards a large slab of wood. It was sinking slowly and with any luck, would keep them hidden from Ryujin for a while longer.

Viviane tightened her arm around Jacob, wincing with the weight of his body and her own exhaustion. She glanced towards the surface, but the distance was too far to attempt with Ryujin so close. They had to wait until the beast ceased searching for them. Viviane removed her hand from Jacob's nose long enough to let his pent up breath escape, then breathed for him once more.

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