47. An Evening of Music

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    Jacob eyed himself in the mirror while tying his hair back in a ponytail. Caspian sat on the bed behind him, a smirk playing at his lips. His cousin had loaned him a change of clothes to wear to the dance tonight.

    They were still just a simple black shirt and pants, but they were clean and didn't smell of salt and sweat. Ms. Harriet was taking the opportunity to wash his old clothes again while he wore Caspian's.

    Jacob retreated to the bed and sat beside Caspian, then grabbed his boots. "You look nervous," Caspian remarked. He clapped a hand on Jacob's back. "Don't worry. If Viviane hasn't killed you yet, she probably won't tonight."

    Jacob rolled his eyes and reached for his shell necklace which had been looped over a bedpost. He fastened it around his neck and stood once more. "How do I look?"

    "Better than you did earlier."

    "You are so full of shit, Cas," he scoffed.

    "I've gotta tease you while I can. There won't be any more chances as ripe as this for a while." Jacob shoved him lightly and Caspian just laughed. "You'd better take full advantage of tonight, Jake. I don't want to hear any noise complaints from my crew once we set sail."

    "By the Stars," Jacob muttered. "If they haven't complained about you and Prim, I doubt they'll have any cause to complain about Viviane and I."

    "My men know better than to complain about us," Caspian snickered.

    "Whatever." Jacob started towards the door. "I'll see you in the morning."

    "Aye and not a minute sooner."

    Jacob rolled his eyes yet again and headed down the stairs. Viviane had agreed to meet him in the lobby of the inn and from there, they'd go to the dance together. He reached the first floor and entered the crowded lobby.

    He scanned the sea of faces and spied Viviane's almost immediately. She was seated at a table along with Prim, Emilia, and Coralyn. Emilia noticed him before the others. She nudged Viviane and glanced his way. Viviane followed her gaze, then smiled and made her way over to him.

    Jacob mirrored her smile while taking in her appearance. She'd left her chestnut waves loose and had changed into a simple white shirt, covered by a brown vest that hugged her slender figure. She wore her usual set of pants and boots.

    Viviane took his hand when she reached him. "Can you believe Prim tried to stuff me in a dress?" She asked, already tugging him towards the door.

    "Really? What's wrong with that?"

    "I haven't worn a dress since I moved to Port. I tried them a few times during my first trips ashore but they were too inhibiting. If I wanted to hinder my legs, I'd just shift back into a Mer."

    "I see your point," Jacob conceded. "I'm sure you'd look beautiful in dresses though."

    "Not happening."

    He laughed and took the lead once they were out in the streets. Dusk was upon the land, painting everything in a dusty shade of rose, with traces of deep blue seeping in as the sun sank lower. Already, stars glittered overhead and the crescent moon had passed into view. There wasn't a trace of clouds in the sky, meaning they'd have plenty of natural light to dance by.

    "What kind of dance are we attending?" Viviane asked, following him down one street at a time. They were making their way towards the outskirts of town. Already, cobblestone streets were giving way to black sandy beaches.

    "It's hosted by Satyrs, although I was told a passing group of Cerva will be joining too." Viviane stiffened at the mention of Cerva, but when Jacob glanced at her, she met him with a smile.

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