30. The Hunter's Secrets

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Viviane laughed as she watched Pops, Caspian, and Jacob swing Kitty between the three of themselves. The entire deck was a whirlwind of dancing feet and clapping hands while Lester played a lilting jig. Viviane clapped along, though she didn't join in the dance.

She and Prim remained on the outskirts, keeping one another company. Prim grinned when Caspian twirled Kitty into Jacob's outstretched arms. The pair skipped through the gaggle of crewmen and Kitty's laughter rang louder than Viviane had ever heard it.

She turned her scrutinizing attention to Jacob. He'd seemed a little out of sorts when she first came up from the galley earlier. There had been an almost haunted look in his eyes. Viviane thought she could guess what he'd been thinking of, but now wasn't the time to address it.

There hadn't even been time to address the warning the eel gave her. Besides, she doubted Jacob would want to talk to her about such things, even with the change in their relationship. Just because they were getting along didn't mean he trusted her with his innermost feelings.

The last time he did, I made his life hell. Guilt left a bitter tang on Viviane's tongue. She swallowed it and loosed a heavy breath. The only way I can make it up to him is by treating him better now, and trying to earn his forgiveness. And how is he supposed to forgive me if I haven't forgiven him?

That was something she'd been thinking about ever since their conversation in the crow's nest. It was true that they'd wronged each other for years, but the fight that started it all had been a misunderstanding. They had both admitted their wrongdoings and expressed their desire to do better. Surely that was reason enough to let go of whatever grievances remained. At least, it seemed reason enough for her.

"Ahem." Viviane blinked herself out of her thoughts and lifted her head. Jacob stood before her, one hand extended. "Will you dance with me?"

She smiled hesitantly. "I don't know how."

Jacob began to reply, but Prim cut him off, excitement lacing her voice. "Then now's the perfect time for a lesson! Coralyn, Emilia!" She waved her friends over. They broke from their partners and joined the small group. "We should teach everyone our favorite dance."

Coralyn clapped her hands with an excited gasp. "Oh yes! I've been threatening Caleb with a dancing lesson."

Emilia appeared a little less eager. "That's a ballroom dance. I'm not sure how well it would work here." She glanced over the crowded deck.

"You're just saying that because you always step on someone's toes," Coralyn teased. Viviane snickered when Emilia rolled her eyes, but didn't disagree.

"Is anyone actually interested in learning?" Emilia looked at Viviane in particular.

"I suppose I don't mind," she answered. "Then I'll know one dance, at least."

"Great. Come on!" Prim joined Lester and Caspian. "Do you know how to play 'Blush of the Lilies'?" She asked the former. Lester's snowy head bobbed. "All right. Anyone participating, choose a partner and stand across from them. Form two lines."

Jacob lingered beside Viviane while Coralyn and Emilia went to claim their partners. "Well?" He urged.

Viviane hesitated, then laid her hand in his. His palm was rough from years of hard labor and swordsmanship. Her own were calloused, but in his grasp, her hand felt as delicate as a noblewoman's. She wasn't sure whether to be disgusted or awed by that admission.

Jacob led her over to the forming lines and Viviane took her place across from him. Emilia moved to her other side, while Amos stepped up beside Jacob. Further down the lines, Viviane spied Coralyn partnered with Caleb, Prim with Caspian, and Ms. Harriet with Pops. Kitty had even roped Jesp into joining her so she could learn the dance.

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