27. Accidental Promise

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Jacob was already on his way to the Captain's quarters when he crossed Caspian's path. His cousin offered him a terse smile and pushed open the door. A small group of people already waited inside. Viviane and Prim sat on the edge of a bed that was bolted down in one corner of the room, while Pops, Westley, and Caleb bent over several maps strewn across Caspian's desk.

"What is it?" Prim asked, noticing Caspian's expression.

"The Lucre is in sight. We'll have our supplies by the end of the day," he answered.

"Then why do you look upset? Isn't that good news?"

"Aye, except it means we'll be on the hunt again soon," Caspian grumbled.

Jacob's brow creased as he watched his cousin. Resuming the hunt was something Caspian should be glad of. Instead, it seemed his cousin was more apprehensive than anything. Jacob couldn't fault him for that, though Caspian's obvious displeasure still struck him as odd.

He joined the other men around the desk. "In that case, why don't we discuss the purpose of this meeting?"

"Aye," Caleb agreed. "I'd like to know where the crew will be positioned sooner rather than later."

Viviane slid off the bed and came to stand beside Jacob. He pretended not to notice the curious looks that followed her, and she did likewise. Viviane folded one arm across her middle and tilted her cheek into her palm.

"We don't have enough men to cover all of the swivel cannons as well as the main guns once lancers are chosen, so we'll have to divide them sparingly." Her gaze shifted to Jacob. "Lancers shouldn't take position until we've drawn Ryujin in close enough for a killing blow."

"I already thought of that," Jacob replied. "We also only have enough people to fill one lancing platform at a time, so we'll just have one team of lancers."

Westley stroked his chin thoughtfully. "And who will make up that team?"

"Kristopher, Arthur, Timothy, Amos, you, and I."

"Only six men?" Prim joined Caspian, a frown tugging at her lips. "Surely you could use more."

"If we had more men capable of lancing, I'd use them," Jacob assured her. "But the only other people I'd choose to be lancers are Jesp, Pops, and Caleb, and they'll all be busy. Jesp is going to be in the crow's nest. Caleb will be overseeing those manning the cannons. Pops will be helping Caspian at the helm."

"What about Coralyn, Emilia, and I?"

Viviane was the one who answered her. "We need at least one of our medics available, and Emilia is a better shot than lancer. She'll man the swivel cannons. The same goes for you and Coralyn. If the time comes that we desperately need more lancers, one of us will alert you."

"Pops and I will spare ourselves when we can," Caspian added. "But given the storms that follow in Ryujin's wake, I'm not sure how often that will be."

Jacob nodded. "As for the rest of the crew, we can divvy them amongst the cannons."

"Do we have a plan of attack yet?" Pops asked.

Jacob and Viviane exchanged a look before he answered. "We're working on one. It's not ready to share yet, but we'll have it figured out by tomorrow."

"Then you'll have to share it after Kitty's party," Prim said. "We'll finish repairs and have a little fun before we worry about anything else. We all deserve a moment of peace. I doubt we'll have another for a while." They all nodded their agreement.

"We'll inform the lancers and gunners of their positions ahead of time though," Viviane mentioned. "That will make it a little easier for them to understand our plan when we go over it."

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