4. Firm Refusal

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    Prim stood at the bow of the ship, leaning over the railing to watch sapphire waves break against the Leviathan's hull. Tug boats were already guiding the ship into Port's harbor, and it seemed their arrival had not gone unnoticed. People milled about on the docks and in the streets beyond, waving and calling greetings.

    Caspian's flag hung from nearly every red brick and white stone building in the city, a blue leviathan upon a black background. And as always, the air was permeated by the scent of perfumes and spices. Prim drew a deep breath and smiled. A hazelnut-blonde head appeared at her side.

    "Will we see Ms. Harriet while we're here?" Kitty asked quietly. A cat was nestled in her arms, purring as she stroked his grayish-brown tabby forehead.

    "I'm sure we will," Prim replied. "And even if Papa and I don't, you can go with Pops to see her."

    Kitty smiled and continued to pet Benny. Prim wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Together, they watched as the docks grew steadily closer. They had nearly reached them when footsteps approached. Caspian stood at Prim's other side and clasped his hands behind his back.

    "Once we're settled, I'm going to find Jacob," Caspian murmured. "Caleb and Westley will see to the ship's repairs. We can't afford to lose any more time than necessary."

    Prim crossed her arms over her chest, not looking at him. "Is that an invitation to go with you?"

    Kitty glanced between the two of them and slowly backed away. There was an almost amused smile on her lips before she skipped out of sight. "Do you not want to go with me?" Caspian asked.

    "It's not that. I just don't want to intrude if I'm not welcome."

    Caspian knit his brows. "Why wouldn't you be welcome?"

    Prim shrugged. "You tell me. I've never even heard of this cousin before, and we've been married almost a year."

    He ran a palm down his stubbled chin, exhaling slowly. "I thought you might be upset about that."

    Prim shot him a disbelieving stare. "Then why wouldn't you tell me in the first place?"

    He raised his hands defensively, taking half a step back. "It has nothing to do with you personally. Jacob just doesn't like people knowing about our relationship, so I don't usually mention him. Honestly, I hadn't even thought of him before this hunt began. It never occurred to me to tell you about him."

    "And you couldn't mention him before you brought it up with the crew?" Prim's sage green eyes flashed with indignance. "On that note, why does the crew know about him if he wants your relationship kept private?"

    Caspian grinned sheepishly. "That was my fault. I got a little too drunk one night and accidentally revealed our past together. The crew has never let me forget it."

    "Even Amos knew."

    "Amos is my best friend, and he was locked up in prison when I told him. I never worried that he might reveal it to someone."

    "Mmhm. So why, exactly, does Jacob not want people to know that you're related?"

    "Because my enemies might become his enemies. Jacob would prefer to live quietly and not attract any unwanted attention."

    "Wouldn't he be doing the opposite of that if he joins us on this hunt?"

    Caspian nodded. "Which is why the crew doesn't want me to ask in the first place. Once Jacob puts his mind to something, he's difficult to persuade otherwise. They're afraid that even if he agrees to come along, he won't actually be of any help."

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