7. Complicated Complacency

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Viviane was exactly as Jacob remembered. Eyes that seemed to reflect the foaming waves of the sea. Teeth that were a bit sharper than most. Ears that came to a slight point at the top, similar to those of a Faerie or Scindo, but different enough that people always gave them a second glance.

There were three faded scars on either side of her neck, whose origins were unknown. Many had asked Viviane about them. Jacob had too, back when they were acquaintances, but he received no answer.

And there was a haunting beauty to the sharp, narrow angles that made up her features. In a way, her beauty was similar to a Faerie's, but again, it was unique enough that he knew that was not what she was. There was even an eerie beauty in her voice and the way she carried herself.

She spoke with a light Orphic accent, nowhere near as heavy as his own. He never had been able to recognize her lingering accent beneath it. When she walked, it was like she was floating on her feet. Even her hair seemed to defy gravity, always bouncing around her shoulders in delicate waves.

It was easy to recall why he'd been drawn to her in the first place. He was drawn to her like he was drawn to the sea. There was an energy around her that he craved. One that boasted of adventure and peril. Of risk and reward. But he'd already made that mistake once. He'd not make it a second time.

"I've agreed to join Caspian's crew in the hunt for Ryujin," Jacob explained. Caspian and Prim both looked at him, likely curious about the name he'd spoken. "But I want another expert with us. One who has as much knowledge about this beast as I do. You're the only person I know who fits that criteria."

"I have never faced Ryujin in person," Viviane pointed out.

"But you have studied it. You know everything there is to know about it. You were planning to hunt it before you retired." Viviane didn't disagree. "We're outfitting the Leviathan with the necessary modifications to take down the beast," Jacob continued. "We'll set sail once those are complete. If we actually manage to kill this thing, the rewards will be great."

"And if we don't?" Viviane arched a brow. "I recall the sinking of the Silver Oriole. You were the sole survivor. Are you ready to experience that all over again?"

"With any luck, I won't have to. I believe our chances of success will improve if you're also on board."

Viviane tapped her chin with a long, slender finger. "What makes you think I would agree to help you after what the two of you pulled?"

Jacob's mouth curved into a scowl. "Maybe if you'd treated me with a little respect when you turned down my advances, I would've returned the favor. As it were, I didn't appreciate reeking of days old fish skins."

"Fish skins?" Prim echoed.

"At least you got the point," Viviane scoffed. "Do you have an actual plan for hunting Ryujin or are you throwing yourselves out there with nothing but blind faith?"

"I was hoping I'd have another expert to discuss potential plans with before we leave Port," Jacob answered.

"And what will I get in exchange for my services?"

"A cut of the reward we've been promised."

Viviane rolled her eyes. "Assuming we actually kill it." She pushed off the crates and started walking away. "If you want my help, make it worth my while. I'll not spend another minute in your presence free of charge."

Jacob ground his teeth, somehow swallowing the vulgar comment resting on the tip of his tongue. "Wait!" Prim called. Viviane paused and glanced over her shoulder. "Here."

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