Thank You

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This concludes "The Hunter's Pursuit". Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Thank you also for bearing with me and my whacked posting schedule. I was struggling a lot with motivation to write during this. Not motivation with the story, just motivation to write.

But seeing y'all reading and liking the book really did help me through those slumps. I just took it one chapter at a time, and wrote when I could, and I hope that my patience (and yours), paid off. I'm very happy with how this story turned out and I'm super excited to move on to the next!

I'm planning on working on another ACOTAR fanfiction next. I'll add a preview of it to this book once I've decided when I'm going to start publishing it. And for those wondering about "Moon Blessed", don't worry. I haven't forgotten about that story and I fully intend to pick it up again. However, I'm going to be rehashing it from a duology into a trilogy, and I expect it'll take some time for me to get back into writing that book.

Thank you again and if you choose to read more of my works, I hope you enjoy them as well. Have a wonderful day!

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