50. The Weight of Responsibility

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Jacob was already awake when the sun dawned on their second day at sea. He'd volunteered to take the early watch that morning, both because he was too nervous to stay asleep, and because he wanted to keep an eye on the Devil's Maelstrom.

The ship had been on their trail since they first spotted it, but it maintained a steady distance from them, so Caspian had decided it wasn't worth worrying about right now. Jacob didn't share his cousin's ability to push the ship to the back of his mind.

He watched it through his spyglass but was still only able to make out a few blurry forms wandering across the deck. He lowered the spyglass as ropes quivered against the siding of the crow's nest. Pops' shock of red hair greeted him when he peered down at the shrouds. Jacob offered him a hand and pulled him into the nest.

"Any updates?" Pops asked. He took Jacob's spyglass and cast a quick glance over the Devil's Maelstrom, then returned it.

"Not yet," Jacob replied. "I think they're waiting to see what we do. Hugo must be hoping that we'll wear the beast out for him, or that we'll give him some other means of claiming the reward."

"He's in for naught but disappointment then."

Jacob crossed his arms with a frown. "Maybe. But he'll know something's up when we leave without fighting Ryujin and she begins to follow us."

"With any luck, he'll do the smart thing and mind his own business. If he doesn't, we'll do what we have to. At the end of the day, finishing this hunt is what matters." Pops met his gaze, blue eyes shining with fierce determination. "This has gone on long enough, and I think that's something we can all agree on. This will be our final stand and if we fail..."

"If we fail, that's it," Jacob finished for him. "If we fail this time, Ryujin will kill us all and continue to ravage these seas."

"Let's hope Viviane's plan works and do our best to help see it through." Jacob nodded his agreement. Pops smiled faintly and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Viviane is directing us close to Ryujin's lair. She thinks we'll arrive by midday."

"Is everything ready?"

"Aye, but I think the lass would feel more assured if you'd double check for her and make sure it's up to professional standards."

"All right," Jacob chuckled. "Is Jesp up and ready to trade out?"

"Not yet, but I'll cover for you until he is."

"Thanks." Jacob swung over the side of the crow's nest and made his way down the shrouds.

He was greeted by Caleb when he reached the deck. "I figured Pops was sending you down. I'm not sure how you plan on inspecting the preparations, but I'll fill you in on what we did."

Caleb led him to the side of the ship and they climbed down to one of the reconstructed platforms built from the Leviathan's side. Jacob noted the large iron rings that had been bolted all along the edge of the platforms. Sturdy knots were fastened through each of the rings. Jacob knelt and ran his fingers over the rope, assessing its thickness and durability.

"The Captain had us working on this before sunrise while the ship was still anchored," Caleb explained. "The net hangs a little below the keel and is fastened on the other platform as well. Once Viviane has the eggs, she can place them in the net and fasten the sides of it together so the eggs won't fall out. I'll give her some spare rope to take when that time comes."

"Good. How far will the net drag?"

"It will have maybe a few inches of drag after Viviane fastens the open edges, so it won't extend behind the ship at all."

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