54. Acceptance and Defiance

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    Jacob shook his horror away and tightened his grip on his lance. There would be time to reminisce on Malcolm Hugo being eaten whole later, when Viviane wasn't at risk of the same fate. He racked his brain for any idea on how to help; how to deter Ryujin or get Viviane to safety sooner.

    He glanced up at the deck and bit his lip. There was no way he could lift Viviane and climb up himself before Ryujin tried to destroy the very platform they stood on. A second idea popped into his head the next instant.

    Jacob's heart pounded with fear and adrenaline as he unhooked the safety chain from his belt. If he was wrong about this, his wouldn't be the only life lost. He could not fail. Jacob drew the spearhead from his belt and placed it between his teeth. He was going to need a weapon down there just in case, but there wouldn't be enough room to effectively use Arlen and a pistol would be no good.

    Jacob unbuckled his belt and threw it up on deck. "Jake, what are you doing?" Caspian hollered.

    Jacob didn't answer. His teeth gritted against the metal of the spearhead and his breath came in short gasps. Viviane was just a blur beneath the surface of the water as she streaked towards him. Ryujin's eyes glowed with a deadly promise, her silver tentacles lashing about her head with anticipation. Jacob drew one deep breath and leaped into the water.

    He forced his eyes open and found Viviane almost instantly. She collided with him, sending them both tumbling through the water. Jacob hooked his arms around her and managed to balance himself. He jerked his head to the ship's underbelly.

    Viviane nodded and swam towards the net. Ryujin was close now. He could feel the bubbles of her breath breaking against his body. Jacob held onto Viviane with one arm and took his spearhead with the other. The water tremored around them and his ears began to ache as a guttural roar pierced the silence.

    They reached the net and Jacob released Viviane. She swam in between the net and the ship, hooking her fingers through the netting as she hovered close to it. Jacob backed towards her but kept ahold of his spearhead, watching Ryujin's approach. Her gaze flashed with fury as she noticed her eggs, now directly blocking her path to Viviane.

    A series of low growls rumbled from Ryujin's chest and Jacob shuddered. The beast had to be speaking, but what she was saying, he didn't know. He bobbed between her and Viviane, refusing to move despite knowing the creature could kill him with ease. All it would take was one tentacle to pull him into her bloodstained maw. Ryujin seemed to know this too. Her golden eyes fixed on him and her tentacles crept forward.

    He sensed a ripple of magic behind him, but gestured for Viviane to stand down. This was between him and Ryujin now. He would not fail this time. He would not fail ever again. He would not fail. Bubbles slipped from his nostrils and his chest grew tight with a lack of air, but Jacob didn't move. The moment he did, Ryujin would strike.

    I won't let you harm her, he projected towards the beast. Not when she is risking everything to save your life. Your quarrel is with me. I'm the one who killed your mate.

    Ryujin's lips peeled back in a silent snarl. More air slipped from Jacob's lungs. He raised the spearhead and this time, Ryujin's snarl was audible. His head pounded from the volume of it.

    But your mate killed my parents, Jacob added. His eyes stung and black spots dotted his vision. Just as you kill to defend your family, so will I. I will not fail them again. One of Ryujin's tentacles snaked around his leg.

    He slashed at it with the spearhead and it recoiled instantly. If you want your family to remain safe, leave mine alone. Touch a single scale on her body and I will drive this blade through each of your eggs.

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