43. An Elder's Warning

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"I tended to a few of those with worse injuries during the night," the Cerva said to Amos and Emilia. "They should be healing well by now, but if you have need of my assistance, just call."

The two medics nodded and proceeded into a large rectangular room where several beds were arranged in neat rows. A few of them were occupied by members of the crew. Viviane cast a sideways glance at the Cerva while she followed Emilia into the room. The Cerva appeared to be watching her just as intently through her large doe-like eyes, but merely bowed her head when Viviane walked past.

"I brought something that you might be able to use," Viviane said once she and Emilia were a good distance from the strange Cerva.

She didn't doubt that the female could still hear them; Cervan senses were very keen, even more so than an Orphic Faerie's, but the distance made her feel better. She wasn't interested in having the female question where she'd got her hands on a Cervan tonic. Viviane pulled the tonic out of the small pouch she'd tied at her hips and passed the bottle to Emilia.

She uncorked it and sniffed hesitantly. Her nose wrinkled at the scent. "What is it?"

"An herbal tonic. It's what Jacob and I used to treat our wounds. It will sting when first applied, but afterwards it will numb and heal any type of injury within hours."

Emilia grinned. "I know a few people here who will be glad of that." She started towards a bed and beckoned for Viviane to follow.

The young man blinked his eyes open, hearing their footsteps. He pushed himself up on an elbow with a sharp wince. "I'm glad it's you. That Falorean woman makes me feel...weird."

"Cervans can have that effect on people," Viviane replied. "But she means no harm."

The man's gaze shifted to her and narrowed. "I suppose you would know, Mer." He practically spat the word. Viviane tensed, clenching her teeth against a cold retort.

Emilia cleared her throat and stepped between them. "If you want my help, you'll respect my friend, Hal. She saved your life more times than you know."

Hal continued to watch her warily, though he said nothing more. Viviane crossed her arms and exhaled slowly, easing some of her tension. Emilia unraveled the bandages around Hal's chest and let some of the tonic drip into the wounds. He hissed between his teeth while Emilia replaced his wrappings and stood.

"That's it?" He asked. "That shit stings."

"It's supposed to," Viviane replied. "You'll know it's working when the stinging goes away."

"What is that stuff?"

Neither of them answered and Emilia stepped over to another bedside. This time, her patient was asleep and didn't wake, even when she undid his bandages and used the tonic. "I'm sorry about Hal," she said quietly.

"It's all right. Pops warned me that some of the crew weren't pleased when they found out what I was."

"How did Jacob react? I assume he knows now."

Viviane nodded. "He reacted better than I expected, although that's probably because he wasn't in his right mind when he first saw me. After we found shelter and cleaned ourselves up a bit, we discussed everything. I told him the truth about who I was and how I wound up here. He only asked a few questions, but he didn't seem upset."

"And?" Emilia urged, crossing to another bed. Viviane arched a brow. "Come on, I know there's more. Ms. Harriet not-so subtly mentioned that she had to take your clothes to Jacob's room instead of your own."

Heat rushed to her face unbidden and Emilia giggled. Viviane fought the urge to hide her face in her hands and instead, squared her shoulders and plastered a neutral look on her features. "Of course she did. I suppose a little more happened than what I mentioned." Emilia gave her a prompting look. "I admitted that I've been falling for him and he told me that he's already fallen for me."

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