6. Old Flames

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Jacob was aware of Prim and Caspian's curious gazes following him, but he paid them no mind as he climbed the rigging up to the crow's nest. He pulled himself over the side of the nest and scrutinously studied the layout of the deck. His thoughts churned all the while.

The last thing he wanted to do was join the hunt for this beast. For Ryujin. But could he really let his cousin try to take it down alone? Could he help them prepare the ship and watch as they sailed out, likely never to return? His stomach clenched at the thought. Jacob swiped hair from his face with a sigh.

"Maybe Bran is right," he murmured to himself. "It would be easier if I just helped them out, and maybe I could make a difference. In any case, I'd rather die trying to help my cousin than stay here where it's safe, and find out that he died doing something he wasn't remotely prepared for."

A tremor shot through his limbs and he gripped the siding in an effort to steady himself. The memory of the beast's terrible roar was still fresh in his ears. He could still hear the moans of the dying. Still smell the smoke from the burning wreckage. Jacob blinked the images away and steeled himself.

If I don't do this, the Leviathan and all aboard will suffer the same fate, he told himself. Haven't I lost enough to this creature? Jacob hopped back onto the rigging and made his way down to the deck, where Prim and Caspian still waited.

"Well?" Caspian urged. "Can I make any modifications or will it be cheaper to buy a new ship?"

"Please," Jacob scoffed. "We all know you'll never part with this vessel." He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully, then continued. "But there will have to be several modifications. The Leviathan is still a merchant's ship at heart. If you want any chance of killing that beast, you'll need to convert her into more of a whaler than a cargo ship."

"This particular monster won't be susceptible to long-range attacks. Its scales are too thick and it has very few external vulnerabilities. To kill it, you'll have to get it close to the ship. Close enough to shoot or stab it through the eyes, drive a lance between its scales, or attack its neck and jaw."

"And if you do manage to draw it in close enough to attack, you'll need different vantage points and maneuverable weaponry. Lancers and harpooners will need to be down at the water level so they can strike as soon as the creature breaches the surface, but a few can remain on deck. You'll have to build platforms all along the Leviathan's hull."

"And the maneuverable weapons?" Prim asked. "What do you mean by that?"

Jacob glanced at Caspian with a lopsided grin. "Have you heard about the new Valencian swivel cannons?" He met Prim's gaze. "You mount them on the ship's side rails and they can easily be removed when not in use. They can rotate about 180 degrees, and the triple barrels can fire three rounds simultaneously."

"I heard Scarlet Minx was putting some on the Garnet," Caspian replied. "She and Captain Venus were seen in Latro a few weeks ago, picking them up."

"There's a problem with that. If these cannons are new enough, Valence won't be shipping them out to Orphic yet," Prim pointed out. "And if we're caught anywhere near Valence, we're dead."

Caspian let his head fall sideways, flashing her a smirk. "When has that ever stopped me, Darling?"

Prim glowered at him. "Since Kieran Blight and Mallory Archer came under the pay of the Valencian Crown for the sole purpose of killing us."

"Relax," Jacob interrupted. "You're right. These cannons aren't being shipped out yet, but I happen to know a few smugglers who get some for you."

Caspian smiled gratefully. "Are there any other modifications we'll have to make?"

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