59. Judgment and Punishment

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Viviane blinked her eyes open and shook her head, still slightly dazed. White spots danced in her vision but were gradually fading. Viviane did her best to ignore them and focused on Ryujin. The beast appeared to be unconscious. Her half-lidded eyes were rolled back and she was sinking further into the dark depths of the sea.

"Are we safe here?" One of her sisters asked.

"We are," Queen Marilla answered. "Ryujin can no longer leave these waters, and because our magic binds her here, she won't be able to harm us."

Viviane bit her lip as several pairs of eyes turned towards her. She floated back a few paces, but didn't bother attempting to leave. There was no point. She had agreed to this. She would not run now. Viviane looked back over her shoulder and spotted a dark blur sailing overhead, already a good distance away.

The Leviathan was leaving, and taking Jacob with it. In a few minutes, she would either be catching up with them, or sinking to the ocean floor along with Ryujin. "Thalas." Her Queen's voice caught her attention. "It is time to face your sisters' judgment." Viviane clasped her hands behind her back and raised her chin, drawing a slow, steadying breath.

"You betrayed and forsook your people by choosing to leave without our blessing and live amongst the land dwellers. You forsook your duty as your people's protector. You forsook your sisterhood. You forsook our Goddess. Your punishment must either be banishment or death, but before that decision is made, you will be permitted to speak on your own behalf."

Viviane's mouth ran dry and she gulped, but when she spoke, she managed to do so unwaveringly. "I know what I did was wrong. I left out of fear and denial, and for my own self-interests. But I don't regret it. You always knew the world above fascinated me. I walked with one foot on land and the other in the sea, and that was never going to last."

"I didn't want to be bound here for the rest of my life. I wanted to live and experience things that land dwellers, that Humans, do. When I heard rumors that I was going to be selected as your Heir, I knew I couldn't stay. If that were to come to pass, there would be no way I could ever leave."

"I didn't want that life and I didn't want that responsibility. I know the way I left was wrong. I abandoned all of you, but I didn't think you'd understand. You forbade me from exploring the world of Humans, so why would you let me live among them?"

Viviane paused briefly, looking over the faces of her sisters. None of their expressions betrayed anything. They were just listening. That could either be good or bad. She steeled herself and pressed on.

"I gave up the mantle of Thalas and made a new name for myself among the Humans. I tried to protect both worlds by hunting the same monsters I defended you from, and until now, I succeeded. I never planned on returning to Falorea's waters or asking for your help with Ryujin. The only reason I did..." She trailed off with a nervous sigh.

Viviane swallowed hard and exhaled slowly. "The only reason I did is because I fell in love with a Human. For his sake, I knew I had to do whatever it took to succeed today. He lost so much because of Ryujin and her mate. And for me, he was willing to risk it all again. I had to do the same for him."

"He knows what I am. He knows what rights you have to my life. He knows that if I don't return, it will be because my people claimed retribution. He didn't want me to face that, so he did what he could to prevent it. But for him, I will face it. He'll be safe now that Ryujin is contained, so I will accept whatever punishment you choose."

"It's not often one hears about a Mer and a Human," Queen Marilla remarked. "Who is he?"

"Jacob Carne."

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