2. Surprising Revelations

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Morning dawned peaceful and still, a glaring contrast to last night's chaos. Caspian leaned over the siding and drew a deep breath, lifting his head slightly as a faint breeze fluttered by. The only sounds to be heard were the splash of waves and the drone of the men's voices as they worked on repairing parts of the ship.

Boots clumped up the stairs, announcing Westley's arrival. "We'll be ready to sail soon," he reported.

Caspian offered a short nod in response. "Let me know when the repairs are done. There's a few things I need to discuss with the crew before we set sail."

"Aye, Captain." His First Mate left without another word.

Caspian turned with a sigh and crossed his arms, gazing out over the deck. Despite the repairs the crew had done, the Leviathan was still a wreck. She was missing chunks of railing. There were holes in all of the remaining sails. Several of the cannons had been destroyed.

And he didn't even want to think about the damage to the ship's hull. He'd gone below deck to check on the patchwork, and even with the patches in place, he worried about the ship's integrity. They would have to spend at least a few days in Port while she was repaired.

A burst of laughter met his ears and Caspian soon located the source. Kitty was giggling from beneath one of the sails that had been taken down for mending. Her head poked through the hole in the cloth and another young woman lightly whacked her curls. Kitty and Coralyn laughed together, before Prim ushered them out of the way, and she and Emilia set to work stitching up the hole.

Caspian smiled to himself. He'd had his reservations about bringing Coralyn aboard at first. So had Prim. But when Pops' wife, Ms. Harriet, revealed how Coralyn had been looking after her inn while she was making a new home overseas, and how eager and adaptable the young woman was, they'd agreed to give her a chance. So far, Coralyn hadn't disappointed.

"It's good for Kitty to have more women on board," Pops said, mounting the stairs to join him. His azure eyes twinkled and Caspian guessed he'd seen the encounter too.

"Aye," Caspian agreed. "And good for Prim as well. She'll never admit it, but I think she was lonely, and missed Emilia and Coralyn more than she let on."

Pops nodded. "Most women eventually miss the company of their own kind, especially when the only other company they have is the likes of us." He gestured to the crew with a chuckle.

"Do you think Ms. Harriet will join us when we leave Port again?"

"I'd be surprised if she didn't. I think half the reason the Lass pestered me into coming along was so that she could too. She craves excitement, that live wire of mine."

Caspian inclined his head. "Well, we'll certainly be a full ship by the time we leave. That will be two people we're bringing on if she decides to come along."

"Two?" Pops arched a brow and scratched his bearded chin. "Who be the second?"

"An expert," Caspian answered vaguely. "Pray he'll agree. Stars know we're going to need him."

"Captain!" Westley hollered, drawing his attention. "We're ready."

Caspian pushed off the railing and strode down to the deck, where the crew was quickly gathering. Prim and Emilia continued sewing the sail, but their eyes darted to him every few seconds. Caspian heard Pops' footsteps behind him as he reached the foot of the stairs.

"What's our plan, Captain?" Jesp asked.

"We can't keep hunting that beast while Archer and Blight are on our tail," someone else added.

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