33. Time Bought and Spent

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Viviane groaned, only knowing she did so by the vibration in her throat. No sounds filtered through her ears. She lifted her head cautiously and pain instantly thudded through her temples. Her heart began to pound as she stared at the screeching sea monster looming above her.

Ryujin covered one of its eyes with a claw, its blue scales stained crimson with blood. Viviane tried to stand, but her legs refused to cooperate. She quickly looked herself over for injuries, but saw none other than a few superficial cuts from debris.

Again, Viviane tried to force herself to her feet. She managed to twist onto her hands and knees, but couldn't fully rise. Pain spasmed through her shoulders and down her spine. Viviane gritted her teeth and crawled towards the stairs. She reached them just as Ryujin slashed its talons through the mizzen, shredding the mast in two.

Sounds returned to her as a broken cry left her throat. The beam crashed back into the crow's nest, splintering wood and rending sails. Jacob had been there the last time she saw him.

Viviane scrambled forward and somehow thrust herself to her feet. Her legs buckled almost instantly and she screamed as she rolled down the stairs. Viviane crashed to the deck, choking down a sob at the pain that lanced through her limbs.

"Viviane!" Emilia exclaimed. She sprinted across the deck and grabbed her by the arms. Viviane let Emilia drag her out of the way and seconds later, Ryujin's claws tore through the stairs she'd fallen from.

Amos ran to Viviane's other side and slipped an arm around her, lifting her to her feet. Viviane accepted his support, not trusting her legs to hold her up. Cannons were still firing while Ryujin raged against the ship. The lancers kept hold of their weapons, but their opportunity to strike was past. Ryujin had sufficiently recovered from Viviane's attack, and now, it was furious.

"Where's Jacob?" She panted as Amos and Emilia pulled her down to the deck. Emilia's hands skimmed over her, searching for wounds.

"I don't know," Amos replied. "I lost track of him when your bomb went off."


"He's with Prim." Amos gripped her shoulder firmly. "We have to retreat. It's going to tear us apart."

Viviane looked back at Ryujin. Crewmen continued shooting and slashing at its scales and mane of tentacles, but the beast ripped into the ship, unfazed by their attacks. "We have to try again," Viviane protested. "Ryujin is angry. If we give it another push, it will do exactly what we want it to."

Someone somersaulted beneath a falling beam. "The ship won't hold," Caleb protested, rolling onto his heels.

"If we strike fast enough..." Emilia's scream interrupted her. Viviane drew a dagger from her belt and severed the silver tentacle that flew towards them. Ryujin screamed as the appendage fell to the deck.

"How do we drive it off?" Caleb demanded.

Viviane shook her head. "We can't. We'll have to kill it or outrun it, and the ship definitely isn't capable of the latter." She pushed Amos and Emilia aside, and rose shakily. "Where's Jacob?" She asked again.

"Unconscious," Caspian grunted. He hobbled towards them, supported by Prim. Viviane's heart lurched but she didn't have a chance to ask anything more. Caleb shot Caspian a pointed look, then hurried back to the gunners. "Get me to the helm," the Captain ordered. "We have to outrun this thing."

"I thought you wanted it dead."

"I do, but not at the expense of my family and crew. Get me to the bloody helm."

They all flinched as thunder banged and lightning arced from the sky. "Get down!" Someone hollered. Viviane gasped as the lightning connected with what remained of the main mast. The wood shattered all the way down to the deck and shards began to fall. Screams rose as wood speared through flesh. Ryujin's roar overlapped them.

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