23. Floundering Thoughts

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Caspian sprinted across the deck with Prim on his heels. "What happened?" He demanded.

Jacob shook his head, one hand skimming across Viviane's arm and down her side, checking for injuries while he held her with his other arm. Her head lolled against his chest, but other than that, she didn't stir. He couldn't find any wounds on her. No cuts, scrapes, bumps, or even bruises.

"I don't know," Jacob said at last. "I could tell something was wrong but she wouldn't tell me what. She pulled away from me, then fainted."

Gently, his fingers gripped her jaw and tilted her head up. There were no signs of distress on her features, and not a single injury that he could find. "Take her below deck," Prim said. "I saw Amos and Emilia head down there. They'll know what to do."

Jacob nodded and stood, lifting Viviane with ease. A few men ducked out of the way as he headed down to the crew quarters. He passed by Coralyn, Jesp, and Caleb, who watched with vague concern before he slipped out of sight.

Only a few people lingered in the crew quarters. Theodore was asleep on a bunk and Timothy rested a few beds over. Jacob carried Viviane to their bunks and set her down on his own. Placing her on the top bunk didn't seem like the best idea at the moment, and he wasn't sure he could lift her onto it without accidentally smacking her head on something.

"What happened to her?" Ms. Harriet asked, bustling up behind him. Kitty peered out from behind her skirts, a cat nestled in her arms.

"She fainted," Jacob replied. "I need Emilia or Amos to take a look at her."

"Amos is resting," Kitty said, her voice even softer than usual. "And Emilia is gathering some more supplies."

A dark head poked out of the healer's quarters. "I heard my name." Emilia's gaze landed on Viviane. She hurried out of the room and joined them beside the bunk.

"Come, Dear. Let's start making dinner, shall we?" Ms. Harriet ushered Kitty back to the galley, leaving Jacob alone with Emilia.

"Tell me exactly what happened," the healer ordered. Jacob briefly recounted his confrontation with Viviane while Emilia examined her. When he finished, Emilia's forehead creased with confusion. "I can't find any sign of injury."

"What could've caused her to faint then?" Jacob's gaze lingered on Viviane as he rubbed his stubbled jaw. Her features remained relaxed and free of pain, which was a relief, but the oddity of the situation still pricked at his anxiety.

"Stress perhaps? Overexertion? Where was she during the battle?"

"At the helm for the most part. But I did see her come up from one of the platforms just after the Venatrix retreated."

"What was she doing down there?"

Jacob shrugged. "She said she was checking for stowaways. I thought maybe she was swept overboard but managed to grab onto the platform, and she just didn't want to tell me."

"Perhaps she bumped her head then. Still, I would expect to find a knot or a bruise if she had." Emilia felt around Viviane's scalp, but didn't appear to find anything unusual. "I'll keep an eye on her. I'm sure she'll wake up soon."

"And if she doesn't?"

Emilia sighed. "We'll just have to wait until she does. I can't treat her if there's nothing to treat."

"Let me know if you learn anything." Emilia nodded and Jacob returned to the stairs. He paused at the foot of them, glancing over his shoulder. "You two seem to get along well. Has she..." He trailed off, biting his lip.

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