49. A Shared Sky

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Jacob and Viviane didn't return to the inn until a few hours before dawn, giving them very little time to sleep, not that their time awake hadn't been well spent. Still, Jacob found it hard to pull himself out of bed when Caspian started pounding on the door at daybreak.

By the time the sun had fully risen, most of the crew was aboard the Leviathan, preparing to set sail. Jacob stood at the helm near Caspian, rubbing one eye with a yawn. His cousin smirked and Jacob braced himself, already guessing what he was about to say. "So how did it go last night?"

"It was fun," he answered vaguely. "We stayed out later than I had intended."

"Prim heard you come in."

Jacob grimaced. "I'm sorry we woke her. I hope she was able to fall back asleep."

"She was already awake, actually. She, Kitty, and Ms. Harriet left with Scarlet and Kalifa this morning."

Jacob glanced at Caspian, arching a brow. "I thought Scarlet and Kalifa were supposed to leave yesterday."

Caspian nodded. "They were, but plans changed when we decided Prim, Kitty, and Ms. Harriet should go with them."

"Why did you decide that?"

Caspian smoothed a hand across his stubbled jaw with a sigh, then let it fall onto the ship's wheel. He stroked the wood as he replied. "Before we met with Scarlet and Kalifa, I told Prim that I didn't want her and Kitty to come this time in case something goes wrong again. She refused to stay behind, of course, so we came to a compromise."

"She wanted to ask if they could accompany Scarlet and Kalifa so that way they'd still be helping, but they'd be somewhere safer for my peace of mind. When we brought it up with them, Scarlet was happy to oblige. They left later than intended so the three of them had time to gather what they needed."

"And how does Pops feel about Ms. Harriet going with them?"


"Do you share the sentiment?"

Caspian's mouth quirked sideways. "Yes and no. I'm glad they won't be sailing directly into danger with us, but I also don't trust two Pirate Lords with the protection of my wife and daughter. They could very easily turn around and use Prim and Kitty against me."

Jacob inclined his head. "Aye, that's a risk, but I think Prim can handle herself. And one would have to be on a whole other level of idiocy to try to hurt Kitty with her and Ms. Harriet around."

"That's what I keep telling myself." Caspian perked up as Caleb strode across the deck with Westley on his heels.

"We're ready to set sail, Captain," the Quartermaster reported.

"Where's Viviane?" Jacob asked. He'd left the inn before her that morning and hadn't seen her since. He was certain she'd come aboard, but he wanted to be sure.

"Below deck with Emilia and Amos," Westley replied. "They're securing some medical supplies."

"All right then. Let's get underway." Caspian leaped over the front railing of the helm, landing between Caleb and Westley. The trio crossed the deck and Jacob lingered long enough to hear Caspian convey orders to the Dockmaster before leaving the helm and trekking below deck.

Just as Westley said, he found Viviane along with Emilia and Amos. They were in the cramped medical quarters arranging crates of supplies. Jacob rapped his knuckles on the doorframe, catching their attention. "We're heading out so you'll want to secure the rest of that quickly."

Emilia flashed him a grateful smile and turned to Viviane. "We can get the rest of it if you want to go updeck."

"All right. Oh, don't forget we have galley duty tonight." Viviane breezed out of the room, laughing at the disgruntled look on Emilia's face. She linked her arm through Jacob's and pulled him towards the stairs. "She's not looking forward to cooking for everyone. Truth be told, neither am I. Cooking has never been my strong suit so I hope she and Coralyn are better at it than I am."

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