42. Falorean Diversity

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    What seemed only minutes later, Jacob woke to a knock at the door. He frowned, glancing at the window on the far wall. Sunlight already shone through it, washing across Viviane's chestnut waves. She was still sound asleep at his side, with both her arms wrapped around one of his. Jacob smiled at the sight and lightly smoothed hair back from her face. Viviane's features shifted only slightly.

    Bran will never believe me when I tell him everything that's happened on this hunt, Jacob thought. Excitement burst through him at the thought of seeing his friend again, then faded just as quickly. If Viviane's plan doesn't work, and if whatever we come up with as an alternative fails, I may never see Bran again.

    He shoved that dark revelation aside. He couldn't afford to think like that now. The knock sounded again and Jacob groaned. "Who knocks on someone's door this bloody early?"

    Viviane murmured a protest when he pulled his arm away from her and twisted out of bed. He unlocked the door and opened it, ready to thoroughly scold whomever was waiting, then thought better of it upon seeing Ms. Harriet.

    She smirked and extended a basket. He spied his clothes inside. "I took the liberty of placing Miss Harland's in there as well when I was informed that she left her room last night and didn't return."

    "Thanks." Jacob swiped the basket from her.

    "Well?" Ms. Harriet urged.

    Jacob rolled his eyes. "You're a nosy gossip Harriet Tavish and I hope you know that."

    "You can't blame me for being curious," she snickered. Ms. Harriet spun on her heel and trotted away without another word.

    Jacob closed the door and turned to see Viviane watching him. "What did she want?" She asked, stretching her arms over her head. He let his gaze follow the lithe form of her body, outlined by the sheets while he set the basket down.

    "She just brought us our clothes," he said, switching his gaze to her face.

    Viviane sat up and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "She couldn't have left it outside the door?"

    "She also wanted to tease me."

    Viviane grinned. "Ah. Well, who can blame her? I don't suppose anyone thought they'd ever find you sleeping in the same bed as Viviane Harland."

    "I certainly didn't," Jacob agreed. He crossed the room and bent towards her, bracing his palms flat on the bed, on either side of her hips. "Did you?"

    "I thought you were a rude and repulsive asshole," Viviane scoffed. "Of course not."

    "But you admitted that you'd begun to notice me a little more before all of that happened. Did you think of it at all before then?"

    Jacob touched a kiss to her cheek, then her jaw. Viviane tipped her head slightly and he cast a look at her face. She was staring at something beyond him, but he heard her swallow and didn't miss the hitch in her breath. His lips softly traced her neck.

    "Maybe once," Viviane admitted. "But truthfully, I thought most about what it'd be like to...just spend time with you, I guess. To go out walking or dancing like the other Human couples I saw. I did receive a few offers to go to dances, but I refused because I didn't know how."

    Jacob brought his gaze back to hers. "You didn't refuse me."


    He smiled, cupping her cheek in a palm. His heart fluttered against his ribs when Viviane leaned into his touch. "Then I hope you won't refuse me if I ask you again." She arched a brow. "Would you like to go dancing with me, Viviane?"

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