9. Thorough Preparations

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Jacob walked along the narrow platform extending from the Leviathan's hull, one hand gripping the rail above it. The rail bore short lengths of chain, which would be hooked onto the belts of lancers to prevent them from falling off the platforms. It was the same method they used aboard many whaling and fishing ships, such as the one Jacob had been serving on.

Jacob lifted one of the chains and gave an experimental tug. It held fast. He pursed his lips and clipped it to the buckle on the back of his belt. He let his weight fall onto the chain, bracing his feet at the very edge of the platform. The chain didn't so much as squeak.

"Does it satisfy your expectations?" Caspian asked, appearing on the dock beside him.

"The platforms do," Jacob answered, releasing himself from the chain. "I haven't checked the swivel cannons yet."

Caspian jabbed a finger at him. "You had better be pleased by those. I'm not happy about drilling holes in my ship."

"Relax, Cas." Jacob patted the Leviathan's hull as he began to climb the ladder built into her side. "This girl has had more holes blown through her than any ship I know."

"Prick," his cousin huffed. He leaped off the dock and joined him on the ladder.

Jacob hauled himself onto the ship and offered Caspian a hand. A few members of the crew cast sideways glances at them and nodded. Some just eyed Jacob warily. He chose not to take it personally. Were he in their shoes, he'd be wary too. It had been seven years since he last killed a sea monster, and he had vowed never to do so again, yet here he was.

Jacob straightened as a man with brilliant red hair and a beard streaked with white approached. Pops' blue eyes twinkled warmly as he clapped a hand on Jacob's shoulder. "It's nice to see you aboard again, Lad," he said. "Harriet was pleased when I told her you'd be joining us for this voyage. Apparently, the two of you have become fast friends in my absence."

Jacob's mouth tilted into a sideways grin. "Aye, we had some good conversations during our sailing lessons."

Pops' laugh rang out, drawing more stares their way. "She told me about some of them. Is it true there's a scar on your nethers that came from a mishap while swimming?"

"I can show you if you want proof," Jacob teased, gripping his belt buckle and acting as though he were about to turn around.

"No proof needed," Pops answered swiftly. "I'll take your word for it." He frowned a moment later. "My wife didn't ask for proof, did she?"

"She did, but I refused to show her so she found another way."

"Stars, what did she do?" Caspian snickered.

"She stole my pants when I went swimming. I was given a skirt after she finished laughing at the crescent-shaped scar on my ass."

"Blast that woman," Pops muttered, though his amusement was evident.

"Left or right side?" Caspian asked. Pops rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Left," Jacob replied.

"I'm curious how you got that scar."

"I'm not," Pops groaned. "Lester and I are taking Kitty into town. I'll see you later, Lads." He crossed the deck to where Lester and Kitty were speaking, leaving Jacob alone with Caspian. His cousin crossed his arms and gave him a prompting look.

"Bran and I went skinny dipping last summer and he pushed me off the dock. There was a broken bottle stuck in the sand underwater, and I happened to land on it," Jacob explained simply.

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