19. Stubborn Resolve

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Arlen slammed against the blade of Caspian's cutlass, leaving the air ringing with the song of steel. Jacob twisted beneath his cousin's outstretched arm and pranced out of reach, grinning as he wiped sweat from his brow.

A brilliant summer sun bore down overhead, but the heat had Jacob slightly worried. Another storm could rise if the heat continued, and judging by the dark clouds brewing in the distance, that seemed very likely.

Jacob snapped his gaze back to Caspian as he lunged. He brought his sword up and parried the blow. Quick as a whip, Jacob spun again, breaking the parry and hooking his leg around Caspian's.

He jerked him off balance, but Caspian recovered quickly and rammed his shoulder into Jacob's chest. Jacob gasped, breath fleeing from his lungs. Caspian kicked his legs out from under him and Jacob sprawled on the deck with a pained grunt.

"Over twenty years of practice and you still can't beat me," Caspian chuckled, taking Jacob's hand.

He let himself be helped up and rolled his shoulders to loosen his stiff muscles. "Well, unlike you, I don't typically have to fight for my life on a daily basis."

Caspian inclined his head. "Although Viviane seems to be making you do so now."

Jacob's lips curled into a frown. "Aye." He folded his fingers around Arlen's hilt and readied himself for Caspian's next attack.

"Have you figured out what she meant yet?" Caspian hurtled towards him and their swords locked with a vibrating clang.

"No," Jacob answered through gritted teeth. "I'm no closer to understanding her now than I was back then. Honestly, I'm ready to quit trying."

Caspian narrowed his eyes and slipped around Jacob. Jacob threw his sword back over his shoulder in time to catch the blow. He doubled over and twisted sideways, planting a firm kick to the side of Caspian's knee. His cousin hissed, but didn't falter. "I don't think that'd be wise."

"Neither is trying our patience with regards to each other."

"Do you still have regards for each other?"

Jacob cocked his head, stray locks of hair sticking to his forehead. He smoothed them back before responding. "Of course not."

Caspian shot him a look of disbelief. They both attacked this time, their swords bracing in the middle. "I'm not convinced."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "It was a fleeting attraction, Cas. As soon as she made it clear that she didn't feel the same, that attraction fell. If you don't believe me, you should ask Bran about my romantic pursuits."

"Bran's not here, so you'll have to tell me yourself. Have you had a serious relationship in the past four years?"

"No. I've been busy with other things."

"Mmhm." Caspian drove an elbow into his nose, knocking Jacob's head back. He blinked rapidly to still his spinning vision. Caspian attacked again before he recovered. His feet came out from under him and he hit the deck hard.

Jacob sat up with a slight grunt. "But I took a few girls out for a night on the town. I was seeing two of them for a couple of weeks. We just had different plans for the future so it didn't work out."

"And it had nothing to do with the one woman you fell head over heels for?"

Jacob pushed himself to his feet. "I was not head over heels."

Caspian sheathed his cutlass and crossed his arms. "You were interested in her from the moment you saw her. Don't deny it; you told me yourself."

Jacob averted his eyes and mirrored Caspian's scolding stance. "What are you hinting at? Just spit it out."

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