51. Enactment

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Jacob tried to keep an air of confidence about himself as he and Viviane joined Caspian, Pops, and Westley at the foot of the helm. He knew they were being watched by the crew and that their attitudes would either bolster or weaken the crew's own confidence. They couldn't afford to let their doubts show now. He squeezed Viviane's hand tightly and her shoulder brushed his.

They reached the others and Caspian greeted them with a terse smile. "Are you ready?" Viviane nodded, pasting a smile to her lips. "Let's get this done then. As soon as you're in the water, we'll draw Ryujin out and head back towards Falorea. Hopefully Malcolm will get out of our way, but if he doesn't, we'll have to take care of him too."

"All right. I'll catch up and let Ryujin know we've got her eggs once I retrieve the last two."

"Be careful down there, Lass," Pops said.

"I will." Jacob saw some of the tension leave Viviane's shoulders as she and Pops shared a warm smile.

"Captain, the flare is loaded," Caleb hollered from across the deck. Viviane tensed immediately and Jacob tightened his hand around hers. Caspian and Westley moved up to the helm while Pops joined Caleb.

Jacob watched Viviane's shoulders rise and fall as she drew a deep breath. She crossed to the side of the ship, then let go of his hand and swung herself down to the platform. Jacob followed. As soon as his boots thumped against the wood, Viviane faced him.

"I trust you'll be ready to help me back ondeck when I return, unless you'd rather I mingle with the crew naked," she joked, but he saw the lingering anxiety in her gaze.

Jacob smirked and touched her waist, pulling her closer until his lips hovered over hers. "Whatever you wish, Love, although personally I wouldn't mind as long as they just look and don't touch."

Viviane swatted his shoulder. "Liar."

"I would never," he huffed with mock indignation. Viviane rolled her eyes. After a moment, Jacob let his gaze sober and his voice fell serious. "I'll be here when you need me."

"If you aren't, I'll kill you."

"No you won't. You'd miss me too much." Viviane scoffed but drew him down for a thorough kiss. Jacob released her and stepped back.

Viviane quickly stripped out of her boots and pants, then sat on the edge of the platform and dangled her legs in the water. Jacob watched silently as she shifted. Her legs fused into a shimmering ivory tail, with long gossamer fins floating atop the water.

More scales appeared on her elbows, just below her rolled up sleeves, and her hands became ivory and webbed. Once her transformation was complete, Viviane shrugged off her shirt and tossed it to him. Jacob turned to grab her pants and boots. Water splashed behind him and when he twisted back, Viviane was gone.

With a deep breath, he steeled himself for what lay ahead. Jacob threw her boots up onto the deck and climbed up. Emilia had already recovered the boots and took Viviane's clothes from him without question. Jacob curled his hand around Arlen's hilt, drawing strength from the sturdy Cervan blade. He mounted the stairs to the helm and paused beside Caspian.

"This is it," Caspian murmured. "Are you ready?"

"Aye. Let's finish this."

"Fire the flare!" Caspian shouted.

Jacob didn't see the order fulfilled. He was busy scanning the water. There was no sign of Viviane. He guessed she'd already dove, and with any luck, would be well out of Ryujin's path when their flares caught her attention. A shadow fell across the deck, claiming his focus.

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