44. A Promise of Tomorrow

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Evening had fallen before Viviane returned to the inn. She'd spent most of the morning with Emilia, following her odd conversation with the Cervan Elder. Her afternoon consisted of helping Ms. Harriet, Prim, and Kitty place orders for supplies to be delivered to the ship by the end of the week.

They had made one quick trip to the Leviathan to check on the progress, but not much had changed since Prim was there earlier, she claimed. Viviane thought the ship was looking noticeably better by the time they left.

She hadn't seen Jacob at all since they parted that morning though. It was difficult to hide her concern from her companions, but she didn't need them asking any unwanted questions.

Despite her and Jacob's conversation earlier, she was afraid he might be faring worse than he let on, and if he was, she was certain he wouldn't want anyone else to know. She'd already made up her mind to ask him once again how he was doing when they next spoke.

Viviane reached the inn and held open the door for Ms. Harriet. Prim and Kitty bustled in behind her and Viviane followed, letting the door swing shut. She rapidly scanned the lobby for any sign of Jacob, but found none. She started up the stairs without a moment's hesitation, only waving when Ms. Harriet wished her a good night. She reached the door to Jacob's room and knocked lightly.

"It's open," he called. Viviane stepped inside and closed the door, muffling the distant noise from downstairs. Jacob looked up from where he was cleaning Arlen's blade. He smiled at the sight of her. "I was wondering when I might see you again. Where have you been all day?"

"Here and there," Viviane answered with a grin. "What about you?"

"A little bit of everywhere." He set his sword aside and stretched out on the bed. "Caspian agreed to our plan. He sent letters to Scarlet Minx and Kalifa Venus, inviting them here."

"That's good news." Viviane sat down beside him. "How do you feel about our plan?"

"Both relieved and nervous. I'm hopeful that it will work, but if it doesn't, I'm afraid we might just be making the situation worse."

Viviane pursed her lips, then laid back and clasped her hands atop her stomach. "I guess you'll just have to trust me."

"I do trust you." Jacob's warm hand covered her own.

She twisted her head to meet his gaze. "Tell me how you really feel about all of this."

Jacob knit his brows. "I already have."

"Are you sure?"

He squeezed her hand tightly. "Yes, I'm sure. I hold to what I said this morning, and I trust that you know what you're talking about with this plan."

She saw the sincerity written in his silvery-blue eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. "All right. I just wanted to make sure." Viviane looked away, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. "I...I don't want you to have anything to resent me for again."

Jacob shifted onto his side and hovered over her, his gaze searching her own. "You don't have to worry about that, Love." The pad of his thumb brushed over her cheek, sending flutters through her stomach. "Our misunderstandings are in the past now." He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers.

When he drew back, Viviane spoke again. "Speaking of pasts, I met someone from yours today." He lifted a brow. "Salvia is here. She's the one housing the injured crewmen."

Jacob blinked, his eyes growing wider. "That's odd. I've never known Salvia to leave the Queen's side."

"She had a message for me. Maybe that's why she came."

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