35. Dreams and Discoveries

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Viviane opened her eyes groggily and raised her head with a hoarse groan. She wasn't sure how long she'd been hanging over the side of the boat. Long enough that night was bleeding into dawn, her shoulders ached, and her arms were full of pins and needles. She propped herself up until her hips rose out of the water and she could fully see into the longboat. Jacob hadn't moved from his fallen position.

Viviane clenched her jaw and hauled herself into the boat, taking care not to smack Jacob in the face with her tail. She twisted sideways so that her fins still dangled in the water, giving her a little extra room to maneuver. Viviane slipped her hands beneath Jacob's arms and propped him upright. She carefully moved his legs off the bench and let them stretch across the longboat.

Jacob's head lolled sideways, damp strands of hair falling across his brow. Viviane bit her lip, eyeing him nervously. She leaned closer and ran a thumb across his cheek, brushing away the few crystals of salt that had been left behind by the water. Viviane cupped his cheek in her palm and swallowed hard. Words scratched at her throat when she spoke.

"Jacob?" She shook his shoulder with her other hand. "Jacob, wake up." His eyes remained closed.

She exhaled slowly and ran her fingers through his hair, untangling a few knots while she searched for any bumps or bruises. When she found none, she moved on to his shoulders, then his chest, and checked his arms and legs. Nothing felt damaged or broken.

Surely he'll wake up soon, Viviane thought.

She glanced at the sea and her eyes widened with sudden recollection. She looked back at Jacob, then eased herself down into the water. He would be safe for the short amount of time she was gone, and this was something she had to investigate.

Viviane dove beneath the lapping waves and began swimming in the direction Ryujin had gone last night. She recalled the vibrations she'd felt when it reached the sea floor, and the strange tremors that had followed.

If what she suspected was true, it might change everything. Perhaps she would finally learn what was causing the beast to lash out. If they figured that out, maybe they could figure out a better way to rid themselves of the beast and not lose their lives in the process.

•~ ❘ ✠ ❘ ~•

Wind, thunder, and the roar of a demon overlapped within his ears. Jacob clung to a fraying rope, his only tether to the rising ship. Up and up her bow rose with the wave cresting beneath her. Screams collided with thunder and distant splashes could be heard as many fell to their deaths. He could almost hear their bones cracking upon the rocks below.

Jacob gave a cry of alarm as he swung out further over the sea. The rope groaned under his weight. "Jacob!" A woman's shriek came from the deck beneath him. He risked a glance down and saw his mother pinned against a crate by a wooden beam. Blood coated her lips even as she spoke.

"Hold on!" She ordered. "You hold onto that rope!" Elinor braced her hands against the beam and heaved. Her jaw clenched against a scream, but still she struggled.

Jacob's eyes widened as lightning illuminated a taloned paw right before it tore through the ship. The vessel came crashing back down, waves billowing from the impact. Jacob's weight jerked against the rope and with a single sharp snap, it broke. He screamed, plummeting through the air. The roar of a beast drowned out his own voice.

Jacob crossed his arms over his face, but instead of colliding with the deck, he met something softer. Jacob and his father toppled to the ground, both gasping for breath. He rolled onto his side and somehow managed to choke down air. Laszlo crawled over to him and searched him briefly for injuries.

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