46. Reaching Agreements

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Viviane trailed Prim through the streets, eagerness quickening her footsteps. Prim had come by the inn only moments before to collect her, Pops, Caleb, and Westley, which meant Captain Minx and Captain Venus had arrived. That both increased and decreased her anxiety, which she was doing her best not to focus on.

They stepped from the street into the shipyard and Viviane's gaze instantly landed on the Garnet. Scarlet Minx's flagship was already swarmed with a crowd of onlookers who were being warned off by members of her crew.

However, there was no sign of Kalifa Venus' flagship, the Amate, telling Viviane that the two Pirate Lords had arrived together. That wasn't surprising to anyone. Rumors had long circulated about the pair's relationship to one another, and Viviane believed them all.

They reached the Leviathan shortly and made their way on board. Voices came from the Captain's quarters, which was where Prim led them. She opened the door, not bothering to knock, and entered. The four prior occupants stood around Caspian's map strewn desk, with Scarlet and Kalifa each holding flasks of rum. Viviane looked them over as she made her way to Jacob.

She hadn't actually seen these Pirate Lords in person before, only in verbal descriptions and wanted posters. Neither did them justice. Captain Minx was shorter than Viviane had expected, almost a foot smaller than her, and Captain Venus was much taller. Her height matched Jacob's even six feet. She was lean and trim, with arms toned from many a day's work. Scarlet was much curvier than her companion, but no less fit.

Her long flaming hair was tied back in a braid while the full ebony coils of Captain Venus hung loose beneath her tricorne. Kalifa's eyes shone just as dark as her hair, while her flawlessly smooth skin was a warm brown, just a few shades lighter than Caleb's. Scarlet's twinkling eyes reminded Viviane of freshly made fudge. Her face was freckled like Prim's, but she was far more tanned.

Viviane reached Jacob and crossed her arms, waiting for someone to speak. Caspian cleared his throat and draped an arm around Prim's waist. "Darling, I believe you remember Scarlet Minx."

"I do," Prim said with a smile. "Thank you again for your help last year. Both of you." Her gaze flickered between the two.

"It was our pleasure, Love," Scarlet answered.

"Aye, it never hurts to have an owed favor from Caspian Flynn tucked in our pocket," Kalifa agreed. "And it sounds like we're about to have another one."

Caspian grimaced and Viviane hid a smile behind her hand. "I was hoping this agreement could be settled with money rather than favors."

"I was under the impression that you had little money to give. Us agreeing to help for a favor would be a courtesy to you."

"The contents of my coffers are for me to worry about. If I promise to pay you, I will."

"Aye, but will you pay us up front in gold or with monthly installments of bronze?"

"Maybe you'll just owe us for another two years," Scarlet added.

Caspian held up his hands, drawing a deep breath. "All right. Just hear us out first and then we'll discuss the terms of our agreement, assuming we reach one." Both Lords nodded. Caspian turned to her and Jacob. "This plan is Viviane's, so I'll let her explain."

Viviane straightened as Scarlet and Kalifa's calculating gazes locked onto her. She didn't hesitate and launched into a detailed description of her plan for relocating Ryujin. To their credit, Caleb and Westley refrained from showing any signs of doubt or hesitation while she spoke.

Their expressions remained ones of cool understanding, as though they fully supported her plan. Pops watched her with a warm smile, and Caspian and Prim's expressions mirrored Caleb and Westley's. Viviane was increasingly grateful for their pretend agreement when she noticed Scarlet and Kalifa occasionally looking them over as if to gauge their reactions.

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