48. A Moment of Love

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    Jacob's heart raced as he stared at the distant flickering lights of the bonfires. He could hear Viviane behind him, but he wouldn't turn around until she told him to for the second time. He still couldn't believe what she'd said before. But as harshly as it had made his heart stutter, that wasn't what he'd wanted right now. He wanted to give her the proper attention. Everything else could come later.

    Water splashed and rippled as Viviane waded away from the shore. She cleared her throat and Jacob turned hesitantly. Her clothes were bundled beside their boots and her footsteps formed a trail through the sand. Jacob followed it, not bothering to take off his own clothes. He stepped in the water, which was warmer than expected, and swam out to Viviane.

    Even before he reached her, he knew she'd shifted. Her ivory tail shimmered below the surface of the water, and matching scales covered her shoulders and breasts. The ends of her hair curled in the water. Viviane lifted a webbed hand and took his own. Her scales were smooth and cool against his skin.

    "Ready?" She asked. Jacob nodded. "Take a deep breath." He obeyed, and Viviane dove, pulling him down with her.

    He forced his eyes to remain open and could surprisingly see better than he'd expected. He knew the fact was owed to the magic within Falorea's waters. Every part of the country was steeped in magic, and the land was testament to that.

    Viviane guided him deeper until only a few rays of moonlight penetrated the water. He could feel the pressure of the water against him, but it wasn't uncomfortable in the least. It felt like the weight a thick quilt one might use in the winter.

    Viviane released his hand and swam away. Slow bubbles leaked from Jacob's nostrils as he watched her. She sliced through the water with a fluid grace he'd never seen before. Bubbles swirled in her wake, tickling against his arms when she came particularly close to him. Moonlight danced off her scales, leaving her sparkling like a Fairy's wings.

    He'd always known she was eerily beautiful, but watching her in her element revealed a whole new side to her beauty. Every move she made was mesmerizing. Every loop, spin, and stroke was a dance that only she knew. He didn't even notice the growing ache in his chest. His attention was fixed solely on her.

    Viviane swam over to him and cupped his face in her hands. Before he realized what she was doing, her mouth slanted over his. His lips parted and breath filled his lungs. Jacob's eyes widened and Viviane met his gaze, not breaking off the kiss.

    He'd heard stories about the Syreni doing things like this. He knew a Mer would be able to do it too. He believed Prim when she told him about a Syreni saving her own life, but he hadn't expected... Viviane breathed into him once more and Jacob threaded his fingers through her floating hair, pressing her mouth harder against his.

    Viviane kissed him fiercely, slipping her tongue past his lips before breaking away. Desire pooled low in Jacob's stomach as he watched her swim. Briefly, he wondered if she'd used compulsion on him; then he tossed the thought away. Why would she need to when he already loved her completely?

    He remained awestruck by her stunning dance, his desire switching to a burning tingle that spread through his limbs. Viviane swam past him again, her lips curling into a radiant grin. Goddess above, she was beautiful. The most beautiful creature he'd ever seen, and he'd seen his fair share of them while living in Falorea.

    Air slipped from his nostrils once more and Viviane returned. He needed no encouragement this time and greedily took the breath she gave him. His lips moved against hers, passionate and demanding. Viviane matched his energy, digging her nails into his back.

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