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"Are you always reading?" chuckled Fred turning to look at her. "Every time I see you, you've got a book in your hand."

"I guess you can say that." smiled Y/n.

"What did you do over the summer?" asked Fred turning to look at her. She narrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "Like, you look different from last year."

"Oh." said Y/n, shrugging.

"It's not bad or anything!" said Fred, quickly. "Just curious, you've always been pretty. Now, you're just prettier."

"You think so?" blushed Y/n with a chuckle. Fred stopped and placed his hand against her cheek, her heart beating extremely fast.

"Yeah, I do." said Fred caressing her check. He moved back and smiled as the two continued their walk.


"I see you and Weasley have gotten really close." said Miles as him, Marcella and Y/n sat in the common room doing their homework. Graham, Cassius and Adrian were sitting on the couches, playing wizard chess.

"They're basically dating." said Marcella with a chuckle. 

"We're not." said Y/n looking down at her work.

"Why not?" said Miles tilting his head.

"He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend." said Y/n with a shrug. "We're just friends."

"If I ask you to be my girlfriend, will you say yes?" said Cassius turning around to look at her. Graham rolled his eyes and continued his focus on his chess match with Adrian.

"Girlfriends and boyfriends kiss and hold hands. Y/n probably cant even do that without turning red." said Adrian with a chuckle. "You see how she gets when he comes around, stuttering like a little kid."

"And you know so much about boyfriends and girlfriends?" said Y/n turning to him. Adrian looked at her and smirked, looking back down at his chess match.

"More than you." said Adrian. Y/n rolled her eyes and sat back with a sigh. "Have you even kiss this boy?"

"What does that matter to you!" said Y/n making a face. He laughed.

"It doesn't but i've bet Fred Weasley's kissed a couple of girls." said Adrian. Miles turned to Adrian and gave him a face.

"You can practice kissing with me, Y/n." said Cassius giving her a smirk. Graham groaned and turned to his friends.

"Will you two leave my sister alone?" said Graham narrowing his eyebrows. "She doesn't have to worry about kissing him or anyone!"

"Oh my merlin." said Y/n sinking into her seat as Adrian laughed. Marcella shook her head and turned to Y/n.

"Marcella and Marcus are heard through the whole Slytherin house, im sure she'll help you out as well." chuckled Adrian turning to Marcella, who turned red.

"Will you shut up!" gasped Marcella throwing a bottle of ink towards him.

"Seriously Y/n, don't listen to them." said Miles rolling his eyes. "Who knows the last time Cassius actually kissed someone."

"Can we please just change the subject." said Y/n putting her things away. She looked down at her watch to see that it was nearly nine and she had to do her rounds. "I have to go anyways."

Adrian looked down at his watch as well and got up. "We'll finish this match later, mate, prefect duties." said Adrian grabbing his cloak and following Y/n. The two left the common room and out into the hallways. He glanced towards Y/n who seemed to be thinking. "I was only joking about Weasley kissing a bunch of girls."

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