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Y/n and Fred were walking together, holding hands. "Oh look at the happy couple." said Lee Jordan. George made a face and looked towards the two, softening his gaze towards Y/n. "When's the wedding."

"Mhm, I say once we finish Hogwarts." chuckled Fred turning over to kiss Y/n on the check. She smiled softly, feeling him wrap his arms around her waist.

"I'll see you in class?" said Y/n. Fred nodded, kissing her lips. She walked around the three boys and made her way towards the Slytherin table, Adrian staring at her.

"What?" she said, sitting down next to Marcella who turned.

"I told you what it was going to be like," said Adrian stabbing his egg with a fork. "Its just like that, isn't it? You don't listen."

"You know nothing." said Y/n looking down at the plate.

"I'm sure I know more than you do, which is sad." said Adrian. Marcella was glancing between the two, narrowing her eyebrows.

"What are you two arguing about this time?" chuckled Graham turning to Y/n and Adrian. She quickly turned to Adrian who looked back at her.

"Do you know what to do with Arithmancy?" asked Adrian turning to Graham. Y/n turned back down at her plate and sighed. Graham made a face and shook his head. "Neither did Y/n."

"What?" said Marcella turning to Y/n.

"He's stupid." said Y/n, shaking her head. Adrian rose his eyebrows and took a sip of his water, glancing between the two girls.

The day went on with lessons until finally the Prefects had a meeting. Y/n and Adrian were walking down the hall in silence making their way up to the great hall. "You shouldn't be letting him treat you this way." said Adrian, breaking the silence.

"He treats me fine." said Y/n with her hands in her pocket.

"He's not loyal to you." said Adrian not even looking at her. Y/n sighed, shrugging.

"Adrian, you don't even care." said Y/n looking down at the floor. "Just stop involving yourself in my relationship."

"I don't care, you're right but you're not stupid. Its kind of sad watching someone so smart be so stupid." said Adrian. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek, not saying anything. Adrian turned to look at her, softening his look.

When they arrived to the Great Hall, Hannah greeted Y/n with a small hug and sat next to her. Percy Weasley, head boy, went over rounds and their duties. "No Prefect will be left alone." said Percy. "Fifth years of each house will stay together, sixth years of each house will stay together and seventh years of each house will stay together. Penelope and I will stay together as well."

"Probably because he's gonna be off in her." whispered Hannah, Y/n and her giggling. Percy dismissed them, Adrian making his way towards Y/n as she sighed, walking ahead of him.

"Don't get mad at me because I tell you the truth." said Adrian as the two made their way towards the seventh floor.

"Do you ever shut up?" said Y/n turning to look at him. Adrian shrugged as she snorted, shaking her head. The two walked silently down a few halls when the sound of a door closed was heard ahead of them.

Mila came from a corner as she spotted them. Adrian turned to Y/n who looked away. Mila hurried down the hall when Fred came out of the same room spotting Y/n. "Oh hi!" said Fred hurrying over to her. "George and I were just coming from something. . ."

"I'm sure." said Y/n. Fred went to kiss her as she moved away, walking around him. Adrian crossed his arms, turning to Fred. "Come on, Adrian."

"She's smart, you know. You can't lie to her, she already knows." said Adrian pushing Fred hard. Y/n turned back to look at the two boys.

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