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"Ah, Christmas." said Miles pulling his trunk with him. "Christmas is always my favorite time of the year!"

"Christmas hasn't been the same since our mum died." said Graham narrowing his eyebrows. Adrian, Cassius and Miles turned to him, softening their look.

"Its almost six years, right?" said Adrian. Graham nodded his head as the four boys made their way towards the Hogwarts Express.

"Yeah, it'll make six years December 28th." said Graham.

"I wonder how Y/n's feeling towards it. I know she always gets upset around this time of year." said Miles. Adrian bit the inside of his cheek and sigh.

"Well, she's always with Weasley. I never see her these days." said Graham narrowing his eyebrows. Cassius chuckled and sat back.

"Are you upset your sister has a boyfriend?" said Cassius.

"No." said Graham. "Just don't like who she decided to be with."


"You aren't going to sit with us, Y/n?" asked Marcella as her, Fred, George, Hannah and Y/n entered the train.

"Oh! Do you guys want to come join us in a compartment?" said Y/n turning up to Fred.

"Thats okay, i'll go find your brother." said Hannah, glancing up at Fred.

"Yeah, i'll join Hannah. Thanks though, we'll see you later?" said Marcella. Y/n made a face and nodded her head, Fred pulling her along.

"How long do you think she'll really last with him." said Hannah narrowing her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" said Marcella turning to her. "Hopefully a while! They're so cute together!"

Hannah made a face, finding the boys in a compartment. The four looked up to see the two girls, realizing Y/n was missing. "And my sister?" asked Graham.

"With her boyfriend." said Hannah glancing at Adrian who rolled his eyes. Marcella took a seat next to Adrian and smiled towards him.

"Hi!" said Marcella. He nodded his head towards her, not saying anything else. Adrian turned to look out of the window, watching the snow pile up. He ignored the conversation happening around him. "So, what are you going to be doing during the holidays!"

Adrian turned to look at her and shrugged. "Not sure," he said getting up. "I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" asked Cassius. Adrian glanced towards Marcella and made a face as Cassius snorted, nodding his head. Adrian left out of the compartment and walked down the corridors of the train.


Y/n and Fred were walking along the corridors of the train, hand with hand. "You should visit the Burrow." said Fred looking down at her with a smile. "I know mum would really like you."

"Oh, you think so?" chuckled Y/n, turning back up to him. Cedric was coming down the hall with Sebastian Sallow and Abraham Ronen, two of Cedric's closest friends.

"Hey Y/n." said the boys with a smile, Y/n returning it.

"Have you seen Hannah?" asked Cedric, glancing at Fred.

"She's probably with Mar and Graham." said Y/n. He nodded, Sebastian following after him. Abraham messed up her hair as she chuckled.

"Catch you later, Y/n/n." said Abraham following after the boys.

"I didn't know you were close with them." said Fred letting go of her hand. Y/n turned up to him and made a face.

"Yeah, Hannah and Cedric have been dating since our first year and me and Hannah have been friends since we were kids." said Y/n tilting her head. "It makes sense to why im friends with my best friends boyfriend."

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