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Graham and Hannah had been kissing passionately in the boys dorm when their was a knock on the door that pulled them apart. Graham went to open it, seeing Y/n narrowing her eyebrows. Hannah sat up quickly. "Hi Y/n!" said Hannah with a smile.

"Hi." said Y/n smiling towards her. She turned back to Graham, narrowing her eyebrows. "Are you ready?"

"For?" asked Graham.

"To talk to Snape and Dumbledore about going to our parents grave, Graham." said Y/n, annoyed. Adrian came behind Y/n, wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh, oh, yeah." said Graham turning back to Hannah who looked back at him.

"What are you doing in here, Han?" asked Y/n turning to her best friend. Hannah got up from the bed, glancing back at Graham.

"We're talking." said Graham. Hannah nodded her head, smiling softly. Adrian made a face, looking at the two. "Well, let's go?"

"Do you want to join us, Hannah?" asked Y/n.

"Uh, no that's okay. I'll see you later?" asked Hannah walking past them. Y/n nodded watching her enter the girls dorm.

"So, you two are back together?" asked Graham walking besides them. "That's great!"

"Yeah, mate." snorted Adrian. Y/n glanced back at her brother, shaking her head.

"So," said Y/n. Adrian made a face. "Are you completely done with Gracelynn Selwyn? I seen her the other day—"

"I'm done with her, Y/n." said Graham narrowing his eyebrows looking at her. "Merlin."

"Just asking." said Y/n, shrugging.

"So!" said Adrian, smiling. "I'm sure Dumbledore would let you go to your parents grave, if not i'm sure my parents will make sure of it."

"Ohh, are you going to tell your parents about you two?" asked Graham. Adrian turned to Y/n and nodded.

"My mother already somewhat knows." snorted Adrian. "She caught us kissing in the garden."

"At least it was only kissing this time in the garden, huh." said Graham rolling his eyes. Y/n made a face, turning back to Adrian who chuckled.

Cedric, Sebastian and Abraham were coming down the stairs. Graham turned to Adrian who made the same face. "Oh, Abraham!" said Y/n letting go of Adrian and making her way towards him.

"Watch it, Montague. You've done enough." said Sebastian stopping her. Adrian moved closer, Y/n stopping him.

"It's fine, Y/n, I— I should've known I guess." said Abraham looking at Adrian. "I'll care for you, always."

Cedric glanced at Graham, crossing his arms. "What a shame, really." said Cedric turning to Y/n. "The Montague's tend to hurt the people around them, do they not?"

"Watch it, Diggory." said Graham narrowing his eyebrows.

"He's not wrong, you hurt all the girls around you. Y/n hurts her friends and the boys who fancy her. Your parents ki—"

"WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT MY PARENTS!" shouted Graham grabbing the boy by his collar.

"You don't like it?" said Sebastian narrowing his eyebrows. Abraham made a face, turning to Cedric.

"That's enough, Sebastian." said Abraham. Y/n held her mouth slightly dropped. Adrian furious behind Y/n. "Graham c'mon, we don't have to get violent."

"Mate," said Adrian. Graham let him go and glanced back at Cedric who glared back at him.

"No wonder why Hannah doesn't want you back." said Y/n grabbing both of her boys and pulling them along. Graham glanced towards Y/n and back at Adrian.

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