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Marcella was hurrying down the stairs when she ran into Adrian. "Hey, I need to talk to you!" said Marcella, pulling Adrian.

"I told you to leave me alone." said Adrian, pulling her off him.

"It's about Y/n, please." said Marcella. Adrian looked at her, stopping. "She— get back with her. Tell her it's my fault, it's okay. I'll let her be mad at me about it."

"What?" said Adrian, annoyed. "First you don't want me with her and now you do?!"

"She was crying over you. . . i'm over you and I." said Marcella softly. "I was mad when I asked you to stop being with her but now, it's fine I don't care!"

"I'll talk to her tomorrow, she's mad at me right now." said Adrian walking past her and up into his dorm. Marcella made a face, when she snuck into the kitchen.

Y/n and Hannah had been sitting in the girls dorm, talking, waiting for Marcella. "Why don't you talk to him again." said Hannah, softly.

"I wont beg him." said Y/n, looking back into a book.

"It's not begging, Y/n, it'll just be talking it out." said Hannah. Y/n shrugged, when Marcella walked back into the room with sweets.

"I didn't bring a lot back since dinner starts soon," said Marcella, sitting on Y/n's bed. "But chocolate always makes a heartbreak feel better and since both of my best friends are going through one, I bring a handful."

"You haven't spoken to Cedric?" asked Y/n, turning to Hannah.

"No." said Hannah. "He told me I wasn't a supportive girlfriend so."

"He's an idiot." said Marcella, shaking her head. "I can't believe he broke up with you because of that."

"Boys." said Y/n, rolling her eyes. "I swear, I never had so many problems before."

"You've never been with so many boys before." chuckled Marcella. "What is it? You've slept with two—"

"Three." said Hannah.

"Three?!" said Marcella, looking at Y/n. "Who's the third one."

"Abraham." said Y/n shyly.

"And she almost slept with Miles too." laughed Hannah.

"Merlin, who are you and what have you done to my friend!" laughed Marcella.

"Her not being with Adrian did that." said Hannah, turning to Y/n. "Which I don't understand why she doesn't go and talk to him!"

"Because I don't want too! He decided what he did and I don't care anymore!" said Y/n, with a shrug. "I dont care what he does!"

"You can't mean that." said Marcella, softly.

"I do." said Y/n. "And I won't be sad over him."

"You aren't going to be flirting with Ezra Martin again, are you? Or with Abraham?" asked Hannah.

"And what if I do?" asked Y/n. Marcella and Hannah glanced at one another and sighed. "Why do you guys care so much about me and Adrian anyways, it's not like we were anything serious."

"Are you listening to yourself?" asked Hannah with a face.

"I am, we weren't anything serious." said Y/n, looking down at her book once again.

"I think you're just saying that because you're upset." said Marcella. "You two will make up."

"I don't want too." said Y/n, getting up and looking at the time. "Maybe finally this is the end. Come on, let's go down for dinner."

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