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Y/n made her way into her room to get ready for breakfast. There was a knock on the door that made her jump. "Oh hi Mrs. Pucey." said Y/n with a small smile, opening the door.

"Good morning, Y/n." said Mrs. Pucey giving her a smile. "Breakfast is ready if you would like to head down."

"Oh yeah, yeah, i'll be down in a bit." said Y/n. Mrs. Pucey smiled and nodded, making her way. Y/n closed the door and made a face, dropping her head against the wall.

When Y/n entered the dinning room, the boys had all been eating breakfast. Adrian looked up to see Y/n walking in. "Here." said Mrs. Pucey setting a plate next to Adrian. Y/n glanced towards him, he snorted and looked back at his food.

"Good morning, Y/n!" said Cassius with a smile.

"Yeah, morning." said Y/n nodding her head. Adrian interlocked his pinky with hers underneath the table, Y/n smiled to herself as she ate her breakfast. Miles was glancing between the two, raising an eyebrow.

After breakfast, Y/n went out to sit next to the pool as she read a book. She heard the boys coming out the house, looking up to see them. "Y/n, why dont you join us for a swim?" asked Cassius taking his shirt off.

"I'm okay." said Y/n looking down at her book. She glanced up to see Adrian taking his shirt off, blushing as she looked back down at her book.

"You never want to do anything fun with us." said Miles walking in front of her. Y/n looked up at him and narrowed her eyebrows.

"Swimming with the lot of you sounds like me nearly drowning." said Y/n making a face.

"Oh mate!" chuckled Graham looking at Adrian's back. "Snuck off to Marcella's last night?"

"What?" said Adrian turning to look at him. Y/n and Miles turned to Adrian. "What are you talking about?"

"You have scratches on your back." chuckled Graham. Cassius rose his eyebrows as Y/n's eyes widen, turning back down to her book. Miles turned to Y/n with wide eyes, blinking hard.

"Fresh too." laughed Cassius. Y/n brought her book closer to her face, avoiding Miles look.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us for a swim, Y/n?" said Adrian turning to her. Y/n looked up and shook her head as Graham and Cassius turned to her.

"Don't try changing the subject." laughed Graham.

"Promise, you don't want to know." said Adrian turning to Graham. Y/n stood up as the boys turned to her.

"I always knew Marcella was crazy." chuckled Cassius. Adrian made a face and snorted.

"Not Marcella." said Adrian. Y/n's eyes widen turning up to Adrian.

"Okay, sure i'll go for a swim." said Y/n making her way inside to change. Adrian chuckled turning to the boys who all looked at him.

"What?" said Adrian.

  "Not Marcella?" said Graham. "Who?"

"Mila?" asked Cassius.

"Mystery girl?!" said Graham raising an eyebrow. Adrian laughed as he turned to Miles who shook his head, turning back to the house. Y/n was hurrying inside, nearly running into Mr. Pucey.

"Oh sorry!" said Y/n looking up at him.

"Running away from the boys?" said Mr. Pucey with a chuckle.

"Actually trying to get back to them as fast as possible so they don't say anything stupid." said Y/n. Mr. Pucey laughed as he continued his way. Y/n entered the room, taking off her clothes and putting on a bikini.

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