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Adrian and Y/n sat outside for a while, the both of them staring into the lake. "Aren't you cold?" asked Adrian softly, turning to her.

"No, are you?" asked Y/n turning to face him. Adrian chuckled and gave a nod. "You can leave me, i'll be okay."

"I don't really want to leave you." said Adrian softly. Y/n sighed and dropped her head into her knees. He stared at her for a while, giving a small smile. "I wonder how we got this far deep."

"That is your fault." said Y/n looking at him.

"I know." smiled Adrian. "I don't regret any of it."

Y/n looked at his watch and turned back up to him. "I guess we can go back inside now." said Y/n getting up. Adrian looked at her and made a face.

"We don't have to hide about being together anymore, Y/n." said Adrian grabbing her hand. Y/n stopped in front of him and sighed. "Don't push me away."

"I'm not pushing you away, it's just. . . there's so much going on right now, Adrian." said Y/n moving her hand to his face.

"But we'll get together, won't we?" asked Adrian narrowing his eyebrows.

"I hope." said Y/n softly. Adrian made a face and nodded his head.

"Okay. . ." said Adrian giving her a small side smile. "Let's go inside then."

Y/n let go of his hand as the two made their way back into the castle. "Y/n." said a voice. She turned around to see Abraham with Sebastian and Cedric. Adrian made a face and turned to Y/n. She turned back to Adrian who tilted his head.

"What?" said Adrian.

"That means get lost." said Sebastian, raising his eyebrows. Adrian narrowed his eyebrows and stepped forward. Abraham rolled his eyes and gestured Y/n away from them. Adrian grabbed Y/n's arm, stopping her.

Y/n narrowed her eyebrows causing him to let go, Adrian glaring at Abraham. "So. . . it is true?" asked Abraham. "About you and Pucey?"

"Oh— yeah it is. . . but not when this was happening!" said Y/n quickly. "Once him and Marcella started dating. . . nothing ever happened."

"Is something happening now?" asked Abraham tilting his head. Y/n turned back to Adrian who had been staring at her.

"No. . . it's complicated, really." said Y/n making a face. Abraham turned back to look at Adrian, looking at Y/n once again.

"Well. . . when you figure that out, come find me." said Abraham walking away from her. She bit the inside of her cheek and turned back around to Adrian, seeing Sebastian and Cedric following after Abraham.

"What did he want?" asked Adrian, the two walking back to the Slytherin common room.

"Wanted to know what you and me are." said Y/n making a face.

"What did you tell him?" asked Adrian.

"That it was complicated." said Y/n with her hands in her robes.

"So, he's going to leave you alone?" asked Adrian tilting his head.

"He told me to find him when I figured out what's going on between me and you." said Y/n opening the door. Adrian made a face and followed her. The Slytherin common room had a few people who turned to look at them.

"What the fuck does that mean?" asked Adrian narrowing his eyebrows.

"Means if i'm ready to be with him to find him." said Y/n rolling her eyes. Adrian looked taken back and scoffed.

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